Why are people sceptical and why the dogma attached to Witchcraft

In a simple explanation its because people to not wish other people to have any control of their own lives or destinies.

True Witches on the other hand are people who do take control of their own lives and destinies.

They have the mindset to see beyond what others say ( Governments, Media as in the News, Pharmaceuticals, Scientists and more). They do not have an ego of wanting to control, unless they are a false or pretend witch as in the ego witch who has no control and seeks some form of control by using the term Witch.

The Witch takes personal and ethical responsibility for their actions an intentions and sees very clearly the deceptions of reality around them in the world. By seeing this it empowers them. They do not need to proclaim things or argue they just see the truth and treat such deceptions as ignorance of those who set out to deceive the population.

They do not waist time nor energy trying to set things straight and argue on the reality of things as they know this is a futile and energy sapping strategy. When that energy can be used to set about change of which that change starts from within and others follow as they see the benefits.

We live in a time of deception, truths hidden and called conspiracy to turn others away from being told the truth and its fuelled by the media which is dictated to by the governments, corporations, the wealthy few and hidden societies.

A Witch is empowered by truth and by knowledge of the reality of things.

A Witch understands life happens both good and negative but does not dwell on the negative and give it power to grow. Instead they take heed of the lessons that negativity bring and then work to rest the balance in their own lives. They do not dwell and blame life or others for problems but just seek to balance their own lives in a positive way.

A Witch does not live in fear of what may come, nor live in fear of the past as they understand the past does not control their futures, anything from the past is just a memory and nothing more and a memory is just that and is not physical so they understand it cannot harm them. Just learn from such memories and associated emotions.

People envy this way and are jealous of this mentality as they know they have no control over a Witch at all.





Hedge Witch based in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. United Kingdom.

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