The Witches’ Pyramid

The Witches’ Pyramid,

also known as the “Four Pillars of the Witch’s Temple,” is a foundational concept in modern witchcraft and Wicca. It represents the four key principles or skills that a witch should develop and master. These are often summarised as follows:

To Know (Noscere):

This pillar emphasises the importance of knowledge and wisdom. A witch must strive to learn and understand the mysteries of the universe, their craft, and themselves.

To Will (Velle):

This pillar highlights the power of intent and willpower. A witch must be able to focus their will and energy to achieve their goals and manifest their desires.

To Dare (Audere):

This pillar represents courage and the willingness to take risks. A witch must have the bravery to explore the unknown, face fears, and push beyond their comfort zone.

To Keep Silent (Tacere):

This pillar stresses the importance of discretion and secrecy. A witch must know when to keep silent about their practices and experiences, preserving the sanctity and power of their work.

These principles form a balanced approach to magical practice, encouraging a combination of knowledge, intention, courage, and discretion.

The Witches' Pyramid

How to set your intention and power 


Hedge Witch based in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. United Kingdom.

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