Servitor (also known as a thoughtform or egregore)


A servitor (also known as a thoughtform or egregore) is an artificial entity created through focused intent and visualisation. It is a manifestation of the magician’s will, designed to carry out specific tasks or serve a particular purpose. Servitors are believed to be imbued with energy and consciousness, though they are not independent beings like spirits or deities. Instead, they exist solely to fulfill the purpose for which they were created.

Creating a servitor involves several steps.

Define the Purpose. Clearly define the purpose or task you want the servitor to accomplish. The more specific and focused the intent, the better.

Formulate the Design. Visualize the appearance and characteristics of your servitor. You can give it a form, name, and any attributes you believe will help it carry out its task effectively. This step is essential for providing a clear image and identity for your servitor.

Build the Energetic Framework. Focus your intention and energy on bringing the servitor to life. Some magicians use meditation, chanting, or ritualistic practices to charge the servitor with their energy.

Empower with Intent. While creating the servitor, infuse it with the purpose and task you defined in step one. Concentrate on imbuing it with the necessary qualities to fulfill its role.

Set Boundaries. Establish rules and limitations for your servitor to prevent it from becoming uncontrollable or working against you. These boundaries will help ensure that the servitor doesn’t continue to exist beyond its intended purpose.

Activation and Dismissal. Activate the servitor by making a definitive statement or gesture that marks its “birth” or “awakening.” Conversely, when its task is completed or you no longer require its services, dismiss the servitor by formally ending its existence.

It’s important to approach the creation of a servitor with caution and responsibility. Ensure that your intentions are clear and positive, as negative or harmful intentions can potentially have unintended consequences.

Additionally, while servitors are created entities, some belief systems consider them to have a degree of autonomy and recommend regular maintenance or eventual dissolution to prevent them from becoming too independent or causing unintended effects.

Remember that magical practices and beliefs vary widely among different traditions and cultures. If you’re new to magic or unfamiliar with these concepts, consider seeking guidance from experienced practitioners or experts in the field before attempting to create a servitor.


Hedge Witch based in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. United Kingdom.

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