Resistance and Negativity


In this article we are going to look at resistance and negativity and how you may be giving these energy without realising it.


This is where we are trying to achieve something but it is blocked or it seems to be hard to get done or fulfil.


Everything is one, for example light and dark, black and white, love and hate. They are the same thing but they are on a scale and where one is dominate when compared to the other it is just that the scales have tipped in favour of that. In a sense we can look at both resistance and negativity in one or the same thing.

When we wish to achieve change and cast a spell to make certain change we do have to look at our intentions and make them very clear from the outset. This is for moral and ethical reasons, and as such our spell must not lead to harm of anyone, otherwise the three fold law is going to give you a nasty bite in the backside at some point.

But as with any spell we do, it is in human nature to look at the downside of things, why may the spell not work, what obstacles stand in my way and if it doesn’t work how will I feel, disappointed, angry, sad, and we can look at this as basic survival skill we have. If we don’t get our hopes up then we cannot be disappointed later.

But, this is where the problem is, as if we do consider the downside, the failure and so on, then we are giving that energy and manifesting it. Energy that can be better used for manifesting it in the first place. Due to our human nature we tend to give more attention to the failures than we do the positive outcomes, which is an unfortunate side effect of being human. In turn this means we are giving more energy to the failure or negative aspect and the resistance than giving energy to what we want to achieve.

How do we get around this?

Simply, accept the outcome as a failure to start with, think that what you wish to achieve has failed and how you feel about that. Accept it has failed, But as it has failed how has that effected you and if possible see the positives in that failure. I know this sounds counter productive but by accepting it and understanding the acceptance, it allows us to mentally deal with it and put it behind us, in this way we are not concerned about it anymore, and as we move on we do not now give it any energy and all the attention and energy can be focused on the change we wish to manifest.

This is true in the quantum world in just the same way, if we always look on the negatives of reality and the experiences we find ourselves in then we end up in a negatively charged reality where all our negatives are being energised by us and come to manifest as our own reality. If you say to yourself for example “I am worthless, and ugly and have no self confidence” then guess what you perception of reality is going to be and feel like. (At this point we do need to do a little work on our beliefs which lead to behaviours, and I can help you with that).

If you feel this way then we could just accept this, and ask ourselves what are the possible outcomes of accepting this and are there any positives. A positive could here for example, you don’t get lots of people who just see you and want to be with you based on your looks, instead people who do like you are basing it on you as a person as a whole, this meaning they are more genuine and less likely to let you down and hurt you.

So by accepting failure we pay little to no attention to it, no being the key word here, if we do not pay any attention to it then we give it no energy leading to no manifestation. We need to accept it to begin with otherwise it will be like a small voice in our minds slowly leaking energy into it, so get it sorted and gone to begin with. Yes it takes practice, but overtime you will see it work and do it in life for everything you do.

Another way you can do this is to create a servitor and with the right intentions this entity within you can deal with a lot of stuff.

I find the use of servitors very powerful, especially when you have a common theme in your life that is effecting you negatively as you only create the servitor to deal with this, then once a week during a nightly blessing you give energy to your servitor, and based on the intentions of the servitor you know it will be dealt with and you no longer have to give energy to negativity or resistance in your life based on the intent you gave the servitor, instead positive attention and energy is given to your servitor instead to empower them.



Hedge Witch based in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. United Kingdom.

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