All spiritual paths are sacred.
There is no right or wrong way to embark upon a spiritual way of life. We turn towards a spiritual
existence for a great many reasons and as we are all unique beings, with personal thoughts, feelings
and perspectives, it makes sense that our journey towards a spiritual life must also be unique.
Mabon is a modern pagan holiday and one of the eight annual festivals observed in the Wiccan and Neopagan Wheel of the Year. It is typically celebrated on or around the autumnal equinox
The Druids were a class of ancient Celtic priests, scholars, and religious leaders who played a significant role in the societies of the Celtic people
Why are people sceptical and why the dogma attached to Witchcraft
Why are people sceptical and why the dogma attached to Witchcraft?
Stigmatization related to witchcraft, often referred to as witch hunts or witch trials, has a long and dark history in various cultures around the world. Witchcraft stigmatization involves the demonisation and persecution of individuals
History of Paganism & Witchcraft
In this overview we look at Witchcraft in general and aim to get a good understanding of Paganism & Witchcraft and in general and how it came about.
The term “esoteric” refers to something that is understood or known only by a small, specialised group of people with specialised knowledge or interests.
The term “occult” refers to a broad and often mysterious category of beliefs, practices, and phenomena that are typically considered supernatural, mystical, or beyond the realm of conventional understanding
My Outdoor Alter
One of my alters, this one although outdoor is sheltered by the car porch
Widdershins & Deosil
Widdershins anti clockwise, Deosil refers to clockwise movement