Hermetic Principles

The Hermetic principles are a set of ancient teachings that describe how the universe works. These principles are often presented as seven ideas, including mentalism, correspondence, vibration, and polarity.

The Hermetic principles:

  1. Mentalism: The idea that the universe is mental, and that everything has a mental component.
  2. Correspondence: The idea that there is a correspondence between the laws and phenomena of different planes of being.
  3. Vibration: The idea that everything moves and vibrates.
  4. Polarity: The idea that everything has opposites, and that extremes meet.
  5. Gender: The idea that everything in the universe possesses both masculine and feminine principles, not limited to biological sex, but rather representing the duality of opposing forces that are always present and interacting with each other on all levels of existence; essentially, it signifies the balance between active and passive energies within all things.
  6. Rhythm: The idea that everything flows, and that all things rise and fall.
  7. Cause and effect: The idea that every cause has its effect, and that everything happens according to law.

Although seven are actually known there is an 8th one and that is Care, if you do not have care or care about a certain thing then it is merely an observation if known at all.

The Hermetic tradition
The Hermetic principles are part of the occult tradition of New Thought. They are said to have been passed down by word of mouth from teacher to student. In the early 20th century, the teachings were compiled into a book called The Kybalion.

Hermeticism and spirituality
Hermeticism teaches that the soul can return to the divine by ascending through the seven heavens. This process symbolizes the soul’s return to its divine origin.

As a Witch we remember these rules and if we truly understand them, then we do not often need to ask why or how does that work. We are the creators of our own reality and the Universe is inside us, so to see the Universe we must look inwards. What we view as reality right now cannot be changed but it can be changed as we move forward by using the right intentions. We create our realities based on a conscious field of which all contribute to. A global conscious and understanding that the Universe itself is a conscious entity and you are part of that consciousness and participate in its manifestation as a cocreator. Your thoughts are more powerful than you know and if you place intent into those thoughts then they are very powerful. This has been proved via Quantum Physics, coherence, entanglement.


Hedge Witch based in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. United Kingdom.

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