General herb use in Witchcraft.
Herbs can be used as parts of spells and charms. Or they can be burned as incense or offerings. Be careful about that, some herbs are noxious if burned. Or herbs can be used in medicinal teas and tonics. Or they can be used in foods. The boundary between witchcraft and herbalism is a bit fuzzy at times.
Aloe G/P/E: Feminine/Moon/Water Magical Attributes: Luck, Protection Uses: Aloe guards against evil and prevents household accidents. It can be hung over houses and doors to protect the family within and bring good luck. Its is commonly used to treat burns.
Angelica G/P/E: Masculine/Sun/Fire Magical Attributes: Exorcism, Healing, Protection, Visions Uses: Growing angelica around your home or sprinkled in the four corners of your home or around the perimeter to ward of evil and protect those within. Bathing in an infusion of angelica will remove curses and unwanted spells from the bather. In some Native America tribes, angelica root was carried to increase luck, especially in gambling. The smoke is said to cause visions and aid in healing magic. See Angelica Floor wash (Purification/Protection)
Apple G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Water Magical Attributes: Abundance, Healing, Immortality, Love Uses: Apples can be used as offerings to the dead or cider can be poured on freshly tilled ground to breathe new life into the soil. Leaves are placed in love sachets and used in love spells. To increase fertility, roll around under an apple tree. Peel an apple making a continuous peel and throw it over your shoulder to foretell the name of your future husband or wife. See Womanhood Initiation Ritual
Arnica G/P/E: Masculine/Sun/Fire Magical Attributes: Abundance, Banishing, Healing, Prosperity, Protection, Strength Uses: Arnica is associated with healing magic and the bright sunny flower has the potential to lift one's spirits, thus 'healing' an individual from depression. It is also a potent protector, being historically used to protect fields, and can be used during protection rituals and spells, whether in its whole form or as an incense, being a favorite to stuff into protection poppets. Burn it to banish thunderstorms, hang in the home or plant in the garden to protect against lightning, or use in rituals to banish or protect against harmful spirits, particularly those that have a wolf-like nature.
Basil G/P/E: Masculine/Mars/Fire Magical Attributes: Astral Travel, Exorcism, Love, Protection, Wealth Uses: Basil is often grown outside of shops or kept in a cash register to bring wealth. Basil can be given to a love interest to secure their love to the leaves can be burned to divine a future love. If the leaves remain flat and burn quickly then the relationship will remain stable. If the leaves crackle and sizzle then the relationship will be strife with conflict. If the leaves fly apart, the relationship will soon end. To keep a partner faithful, sprinkle basil over their heart while they sleep. Basil oil is said to enhance astral flight. See Strawberry Moon Ritual for Abundance and Prosperity.
Bay G/P/E: Masculine/Sun/Fire Magical Attributes: Protection, Healing, Strength, Purification, Psychic Powers Uses: Bay is often used in brews to hence clairvoyance and wisdom or placed beneath a pillow to induce prophetic dreams. Burning bay will cause visions. For protection and purification, it is worn as an amulet, placed in windows, burned, planted in the yard or hung around a house to ward of negativity and evil. See New Year New Moon Banishing Bath Tea
G/P/E: Feminine/Saturn/Water Magical Attributes: Psychic Powers Uses: Although not used often today, it was used in the past to invoke visions. Please note that Belladonna is toxic so please do not ingest. There are much safer alternatives available.
Blackberry G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Water Magical Attributes: Healing, Money, Protection, Virtue Uses: Blackberries can be used in baneful magic or to heal, depending on the needs of the practitioner and the parts of the plant being used. Create wreaths and pentacles out of dried brambles and hang in your home for protection against negativity, ill wishes, and unwanted guests. Use the thorns in ritual oils and washes to cleanse, purify, and protect yourself and your tools. Add large dried thorns to protect jars and bags. Blackberry leaves were also carried on a person or used in spells to attract money and the berries were baked into pies to bring abundance and prosperity. Dreaming of walking through a bramble patch meant you were in trouble while dreaming of picking blackberries foretold of illness in your future. If you dreamed you were being pricked by blackberry thorns, it meant you and yours had secret enemies. If the pricks drew blood it foretold of poverty and financial difficulties but if you were left unhurt then it was a sign that you would triumph over your enemies.
Borage G/P/E: Masculine/Jupiter/Air Magical Attributes: Courage, Joy, Happiness, Protection Uses: Borage has historically been used to treat melancholy and bring happiness and joy to the user, particularly when added to wine. Modern research indicates that borage does in fact uplift one's spirits by stimulating adrenaline production, acting as a natural antidepressant. As such, borage can be used in spells, rituals, and recipes to fight depression and anxiety while bringing joy and cheer. Carry fresh blossoms to stimulate happiness, burn as incense to bring joy, add to spells for happiness, or drink as tea for the same purpose. Add to tea to give someone the courage to propose to you. Wear it in your buttonhole, drink it as tea or mull it in wine, burn it as incense, or add it to spell bags for courage, strength, conviction, and protection. Borage is a favorite among spiritual activists.
G/P/E: Masculine/Sun/Fire
Magical Attributes: Healing, Legal Matters, Love, Prophetic Dreams, Protection, Psychic Powers
Uses: Use in New Moon spells and rituals to bring prosperity, luck, protection, confidence, prophetic dreams, or to see through illusions. Carry to gently burn away illness, disease, and unwanted negative energies while nourishing the body during healing and cleansing spells and rituals. Hang around the home to protect those within from robbers and unwanted attention. Place under your pillow to induce prophetic dreams. Add to wedding bouquets and crowns to ensure happiness. See Imbolic Ritual for Nurturing Your Inner Light, and Calendula Healing Salve.
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Water
Magical Attributes: Abundance, Beauty, Cat Magic, Fertility, Love
Uses: Use to solidify a bond between you an a cat, cat spirit, or cat deity, especially as an offering. Catnip grows prolifically, making it perfect for abundance and fertility magic. It can also be used in love spells and rituals. Hold it in your hand until warm then hold someone else’s hand to ensure friendship for as long as the catnip remains safe.
G/P/E: Masculine/Sun/Water
Magical Attributes: Sleep, Money, Love, Purification
Uses: Most often used in sleep and mediation incenses. It can be added to baths to attract love or rubbed on the hands to attract money. It is also used to remove curses and negative spells. See New Year New Beginnings Tea & Tarot Ritual, Stress-Relief & Courage Sachet for Collective Liberation, and Wolf Moon Social Justice Spell Jar
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Water
Magical Attributes: Death, Fertility, Life, Love, Rebirth
Uses: Place blossoms under your bed or hand them in your bedroom to encourage fertility and love. Use cherry blossoms, fruits, or wood as an offering to the dead. Add cherry blossoms to spells you want to act quickly but be short-lived. Tie a string of hair around a blooming cherry branch to attract love. Eat cherries to increase your attraction or serve to a potential lover. Add cherry leaves to sour jars or other curses to remove something or someone from your life.
G/P/E: Masculine/Sun/Fire
Magical Attributes: Healing, Love, Lust, Money, Psychic Powers, Spirituality, Success
Uses: In the Bible, cinnamon oil was used in anointing rituals, while in Ancient Greek and Roman temples it was burned as incense where it was used to increase psychic awareness and clairvoyance. As such, cinnamon is deeply associated with spirituality and can be used to connect with spirits, deities, and the Otherworld when burned or used as anointing oil. Cinnamon is also used in healing spells, love spells, and to attack wealth and money. See Rose & Cinnamon Honey Love Spell, Wolf Moon Social Justice Spell Jar, New Year New Moon Banishing Bath Tea, and Goal Affirmation Sachet
G/P/E: Masculine/Mercury/Air
Magical Attributes: Protection, Money, Love, Fidelity, Success
Uses: The number of leaves on a clover signify different magical uses. In general, clove will ward off snakes, keep evil away if worn in your left shoe, and bring success if worn over your right breast.
G/P/E: Masculine/Jupiter/fire
Magical Attributes: Exorcism, Healing, Love, Money, Protection
Uses: Cloves can be mixed with oranges to form a potent protection charm (pomander) for the user or used in healing and protection spells, especially those involving dental issues or travel. Clove trees were planted for every child born on the Molucca Islands, associating them with love life and health. See Sour Jar For Reproductive Freedom and New Year New Moon Banishing Bath Tea.
G/P/E: Feminine/Saturn/Water
Magical Attributes: Divination, Healing, Luck, Meditation, Prosperity, Protection, Travel
Uses: Comfrey is deeply associated with healing and binding and therefore can be used in spells and rituals to mend a broken heart, heal spiritual wounds, and even bind people together to ensure fidelity. It can be placed in your wallet or purse, kept in a cash register, or rubbed on money to ensure it comes back to you. For traveling, place comfrey in your luggage, create a sachet with comfrey to hang in your car, carry on your person, or place in your shoes when traveling to ensure you arrive safely at your destination and ward off unwanted negative entities. Use for protection during hedge riding and astral travel. Combine with mugwort and burn to increase focus, open your mind, and aid in spirit communication.
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Water
Magical Attributes: Love, New Beginnings, Visions
Uses: In Victorian flower language, the Crocus means cheer and gladness, likely due to its bright yellow coloring. It is believed to bring love to anyone in possession of it. In ancient Egypt, the crocus was burned to induce visions of the thief that may have robbed you. Today it is used to receive messages from the Otherworld.
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Water
Magical Attributes: Fertility, Love, Luck
Uses: If worn around the neck or close to the heart, it can attract love and luck. It can also be used during fertility rituals to increase the potency of the spell.
G/P/E: Masculine/Jupiter/Air
Magical Attributes: Divination, Wishes, Spirit Calling
Uses: An infusion made from dried, ground root of the Dandelion will promote psychic powers or, if left by the bed, will call spirits.
G/P/E: Masculine/Mercury/Fire
Magical Attributes: Lust, Love, Money, Protection
Uses: Drink a cup of dill water to reverse a witch's spell. Place dill above the door or windows to prevent evil from entering. Add dill to protection spells by anointing candles in dill oil or rolling them in dried dill, adding it to protection sachets, burning it as an incense, or using it in a protection bath tea. The seeds can also be placed in a sachet or pouch and worn over the heart to protect against the Evil Eye or the seeds can be scattered around your home for the same purpose. Bathe in dill oil or water to make the you irresistible and turn platonic love into passion.
G/P/E: Masculine/Mars/Earth
Magical Attributes: Fertility, Healing, Money, Prosperity, Protection, Spell Strength
Uses: Add to spells to strengthen their potency. Carry or wear to prevent illness and speed up recovery. Bring freshly cut flowers into the home to draw financial wealth and ensure those inside will never go without.
G/P/E: Feminine/Moon/Water
Magical Attributes: Healing, Protection
Uses: Can be carried in a healing sachet or placed under a pillow to maintain good health and ward off evil. To treat an illness, encircle a green candle with leaves and allow the candle to burn out while visualizing the person in good health. String together the immature leaves and wear around your neck to a treat sore throat.
G/P/E: Masculine/Venus/Water
Magical Attributes: Protection
Uses: Carrying feverfew in your pocket will protect you against fevers and colds. It can also be brewed as a tea or taken in capsule form to treat headaches.
G/P/E: Masculine/Jupiter/Fire
Magical Attributes: Divination, Fertility, Love, Protection
Uses: Carrying fig branches carved with phallic images boosts fertility. Eating fresh figs will yield the same result. Figs grown in the home also offer protection and good luck to the inhabitants. Place a fig branch by your door before leaving for a tip to ensure you will return home safely and happily.
G/P/E: Masculine/Sun/Fire
Magical Attributes: Protection, Spirituality
Uses: Burning frankincense will release powerful vibrations that uplift those nearby and dispel negativity and evil. Some use it to induce visions or during meditation and add it to sachets for luck, protection, and spiritual growth. Rosemary may be substituted.
G/P/E: Masculine/Mars/Fire
Magical Attributes: Courage, Exorcism, Healing, Lust, Protection, Strength
Uses: Hang bulbs are garlic in your home to protect and ward off negativity, witches, vampires, and other negative spirits. Rub garlic on the body or wear on your person to protect against insects, disease, and negativity and promote courage, strength, and vitality. Leave bulbs of garlic at crossroads as an offering to Hecate. It can be placed in the birth room to protect the mother during child birth. Consume garlic on New Year’s Eve to promote luck in the upcoming year.
G/P/E: Masculine/Mars/Fire
Magical Attributes: Beauty, Courage, Creativity, Energy, Healing, Love, Lust, Prosperity, Strength, Success, Uncrossing
Uses: Add ginger to prosperity spells to strengthen them or place a small piece of dried ginger root in your purse, wallet, cash register, or penny bank or even sprinkle dried ginger on bills to keep the money flowing. Place near the sickbed to encourage healing or incorporate into healing magics and potions, especially for motion sickness, upset stomach, or indigestion. Steep ginger in wine to create a potent love potion, add to candle magic to ‘heat things up’ in the bedroom, or diffuse in the bedroom to encourage sexual arousal. According to Blackthorn, ginger can also be used to attract a new, loving relationship by writing your name and birthday on a piece of paper, placing it between two fresh ginger slices, and bring with red thread. Carry the charm in your person to attract a lover. Use ginger to inspire creativity, wake you up, strengthen spells and rituals, during astral travel to help your mind ‘release’ from your corporeal body, strengthen your resolve, or otherwise energize or strengthen you. Planted around the home or placed about the entryway is believed to ward off evil spirits, while burning ginger incense is believed to banish unwanted and negative energies from the home. Its also been used in uncrossing rituals to burn away jealousy, ill will, and ill intent.
G/P/E: Masculine/Sun/Fire
Magical Attributes: Beauty, Health, Love, Lust, Protection, Wishes
Uses: Use the whole root to represent the sick person, add to healing sachets and bags, or burn as incense to promote health and wellbeing. Carry ginseng root to attract love, ensure sexual potency, enhance your beauty, or otherwise bring sexual desire. Burn ginseng powder to attract love, add to teas and potions to enhance libido or give to a lover to increase sexual desire or fertility. Place ginseng in your purse or cash register to attract wealth or add to money drawing bowls or jars for the same purpose. In Hoodoo, the first dollar earned from a new business is wrapped around a ginseng root and tied with a red thread to ensure future financial success. Wishes can also be carved into ginseng root and tossed into a river to ensure your wish comes true.
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Air
Magical Attributes: Divination, Love, Money
Uses: Goldenrod growing in your yard or around your house is believed to be good luck and a sign money will soon follow. The stems has historically been used a dowsing rods. Wear goldenrod to cross paths with your future lover and offer them a cup of goldenrod tea to seal the deal. Due to its high rubber content, goldenrod is also prefect for reflection spells, whether it be to bounce back what someone else has sent or to bounce back from grief.
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Water
Magical Attributes: Change, Loyalty, Love, Lust, Protection, Resilience, Resistance
Uses: Add to spells and rituals for resistance, strength, and resilience. Place around entryways to prevent negativity from entering, add to road opening spells, or burn as incense for protection and change. Hibiscus petals can be added to teas to attract a lover, promote sexuality, or induce lust. Add to baths, face washes, or cleansers to attract love or wear for the same purpose. Hibiscus flowers can also be burned during love spells, added to love oils, or added to spell bags to attract love. To ensure loyalty and fidelity in marriage, add to wedding arrangements and bouquets.
G/P/E: Masculine/Mars/Fire
Magical Attributes: Dream Magic, Luck, Protection
Uses: Holly is hung in the home for protection against lightning, poison, and evil spirits as well as to bring luck at Yule. If planted around the home it is supposed to guard against mischievous sorcerers with it’s sharp leaves and red berries. It is carried to increase luck, especially in men. If you wish to make your dream comes true, pick nine leaves of holly after midnight on a Friday and wrap them in a white cloth using nine knots to seal it. Tuck it under your pillow and your dreams should come to fruition.
G/P/E: Masculine/Jupiter/Earth
Magical Attributes: Love, Money, Protection, Psychic Powers
Uses: Wearing honeysuckle oil attracts love and erotic dreams while smelling it is thought to uplift the spirit, making you more generous and faithful. Furthermore, burning honeysuckle incense, placing it around green candles, or having the flowers in your home attract money. Planted in your yard it wards off thieves.
G/P/E: Feminine/Saturn/Water
Magical Attributes: Healing and Protection
Uses: Women and brides wear ivy to bring good luck. Ivy growing on your house can protect from witches, negativity, and disaster. Wearing a crown of ivy is said to prevent drunkenness. Ivy is also a symbol of fertility, commonly used at Yule as decoration and representation of the struggle between the Oak and Holly Kings.
G/P/E: Feminine/Moon/Water
Magical Attributes: Happiness, Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams
Uses: Jasmine flowers can be place under the pillow or oil used anoint candles to induce prophetic dreaming. Traditionally, jasmine is also made into a tea for this same purpose. To attract love, jasmine can be worn as a perfume or placed into love sachets.
G/P/E: Masculine/Mercury/Air
Magical Attributes: Chastity, Happiness, Longevity, Love, Peace, Protection, Purification, Sleep
Uses: The scent of lavender is said to attract love and men. Wearing lavender on your clothing will attract love and protect you from harm from a significant other. The flowers can be burned or taken as an infusion to induce sleep. See Nurturing Your Inner Light Imbolc Ritual, Recentering with the Wolf Moon Ritual, New Year New Beginnings Tea & Tarot Ritual, Honey & Lavender Imbolc Posset Ritual, Hedge Riding Tea, and Goal Affirmation Sachet
G/P/E: Feminine/Moon/Water
Magical Attributes: Clarity, Cursing, Friendship, Fidelity, Longevity, Love, Money, Purification, Wealth
Uses: Wear lemon essential oil or carry a lemon to attract friends, or place a slice of lemon under the seat of a guest to ensure a long-lasting friendship. Use in love spells, sachets, and recipes to attract love, ensure fidelity, and enhance romance. Place lemon peel in your wallet, purse, or cash register to attract money, place it in the kitchen to ensure you’re never without, or anoint money with lemon oil for the same purposes. Wash items in lemon water to cleanse and raise their vibration, hang lemons in the home to protect against misfortune and bring luck, carry lemons to protect against evil, or use the dried peels in incense, teas, or baths or drink lemonade to cleanse and consecrate you and your space. See Sour Jar for Reproductive Freedom
Lemon Balm
G/P/E: Feminine/Moon/Water
Magical Attributes: Comfort, Happiness, Healing, Stress Relief, Success
Uses: Drink as a tea to bring joy and happiness to the drinker. Burn as an incense for happiness spells or add to spell bags, hang around the home, or diffuse as an essential oil for the same purposes. Since lemon balm is deeply associated with bees and a great pollinator, it can be used in spells to attract bees and therefore success and abundance into your life. Because of lemon balms unique healing properties, it is also great for spells, rituals, and remedies for stress, tension, logveity, and general wellness. Its comforting nature can be used to dispell greif, especially when drank or diffused as an essential oil. Add lemon balm to spells to ensure their longevity. See Tension-Reducing Tea for the Tired Activist and Summer Solstice Cocktail.
G/P/E: Feminine/Moon/Water
Magical Attributes: Beauty, Fertility, Humility, Love, Peace, Protection, Purity, Strength, Vitality
Uses: Use to strengthen spells or bring strength, vitality, and fertility to the user. Brides in Ancient Greece often wore crowns made of lilies and wheat to symbolize purity, abundance, beauty, and many brides today incorporate lilies into their wedding bouquets. Use in beauty and glamour magics, as well as love spells to attract a lover, as well as death magic due to its being placed in funeral arrangements to symbolize purity in passing.
G/P/E: Masculine/Jupiter, Mercury, Sun/Air
Magical Attributes: Divination, Justice, Love, Protection, Wisdom
Uses: Use linden branches and flowers to protect your home, ward away evil spirits, and bring peace to the home. Placed in the bedroom, it can promote fertility and fidelity while ensuring a lasting marriage. Linden trees were commonly planted in the town square or another central location and later near churches to act as the center. It was under the linden tree that tribal judgment was made, marriages were conducted, and celebrations held. Thus, the linden became associated with justice and peace and this practice of passing judgment. Because of this, the linden is perfect for spells pertaining to justice, peace, and other court matters. Under these same central trees, marriages were often performed, making it useful in love and marriage spells as well.
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Earth
Magical Attributes: Abundance, Banishment, Fidelity, Fertility, Growth, Self-Reliance, Tranquility, Wisdom
Uses: The flowers also make great offerings to feminine deities and ancestors. In Japan, the magnolia was often used in wedding bouquets, where they represented purity and strength of love while in Europe magnolias were given as a gift to make up for wronging a partner (cheating) to symbolize pure intentions. As such, magnolias are often associated with love and fidelity and can be used in spells and rituals to ensure your partner remains faithful or turned into a talisman to place under or over the bed to ensure marital happiness. Use magnolia flowers or essential oil to remove unwanted energies from your home while replacing them with uplifting, loving ones or to hex/curse your enemies.
G/P/E: Masculine/Sun/Fire
Magical Attributes: Death, Prophetic Dreams, Protection, Psychic Powers, Rebirth
Uses: Marigolds are strongly associated with the Sun and can, therefore, be used in magic relating to passion, warmth, and creativity. Garlands of marigolds can be strung together and hung above doorways to stop the evil eye from entering the house, while scattered under a bed will protect the sleeper. Placed in a sachet, they can bring happiness or protection, while carrying the flowers in your pocket is said to bring justice.
G/P/E: Masculine/Mercury/Air
Magical Attributes: Exorcism, Healing, Lust, Money, Prosperity, Protection, Travel
Uses: Keep mint on your altar to invite helpful spirits and drive away negative ones, rub on your body to protect your person, keep in your shoes to protect you during travel, or use in floor washes to cleanse your home. Place in your wallet, purse, or cash register to bring abundance to your life or used in prosperity sachets and spells to invite money. Carry mint or wear a crown of mint to promote love and lust. See Recentering with the Wolf Moon Ritual, and Egg Prosperity Spell,
G/P/E: Masculine/Sun/Air
Magical Attributes: Exorcism, Fertility, Health, Hunting, Love, Protection
Uses: Hang mistletoe above your door or suspended from the ceiling to invite love, good will, and peace into your home. Wear to increase fertility and heal disease. It can also be worn or hung in the home for protection from lightning, disease, fires, or misfortune. Burn to banish evil.
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Earth
Magical Attributes: Astral Projection, Prophetic Dreams, Protection, Psychic Powers, Strength
Uses: Place in mugwort in your shoes to protect from foot fatigue if going for a long walk or run. Wearing mugwort or placing it above your door will protect you from evil. Placing mugwort next to your bed or drinking an infusion aids in astral projection, prophetic dreaming, and psychic ability. Do not ingest if you are pregnant or wishing to become pregnant. See Hedge Riding Tea, Fruit of the Underworld Ancestor Communication Ritual, and Anointing Oil Recipe for Ancestral Communication
G/P/E: Masculine, Mars, Fire
Magical Attributes: Exorcism, Healing, Lust, Protection
Uses: Sprinkling nettle around your house will keep evil out. Carrying it or wearing it will remove curses and keep negativity away. It can also be placed in the room of a sick person to aid in healing. Believed to mark the places where Elves live.
G/P/E: Masculine/Sun/Fire
Magical Attributes: Fertility, Healing, Health, Luck, Money, Protection
Uses: Bind two twigs with red string in the form of an equal-armed cross and hang in your house to protect you from evil. Carry acorns on your person to protect you and bring you good luck. Place acorns in your home’s windows to protect from lightning and ward off evil. Burn oak to “draw off” illness. Catching an oak leaf will prevent you from catching cold in the winter. Plant an acorn in the dark of the moon to bring money.
G/P/E: Masculine/Sun/Fire
Magical Attributes: Divination, Fertility, Love, Luck, Money
Uses: Flowers, dried peels, and seeds can be added to love sachets to bring love or ensure marital bliss. The Chinese have long viewed oranges as a symbol of luck and are carried to uplift the spirit and bring good luck and fortune. Oranges can also be used in divination. Simply ask a yes-or-no question and count the seeds. Even means yes, odd means no. See New Year New Moon Banishing Bath Tea
G/P/E: Masculine or Feminine/Venus or Mercury/Air
Magical Attributes: Health, Joy, Love, Luck, Protection, Psychic Dreams
Uses: Add to wedding bouquets to ensure a long-lasting happy marriage or include in love spells for the same purpose. Place a sprig of oregano under your bed to dream of your future lover or hang above the marriage bed to ensure a fidelity. Grow outside the home to protect against the evil eye and prevent unwanted guests from entering.
G/P/E: Masculine/Mercury/Air
Magical Attributes: Death, Fertility, Love, Lust, Protection, Purification, Spirit Communication
Uses: Carry on your person to protect from harm, bad luck, and drunkenness. Place on your altar or adorn food to honor and communicate with the dead. Plucking a sprig of parsley while saying the name of a person will result in bad luck and/or death within the week. Sowing parsley in your yard is said to bring fertility. Parsley can also be added to a bath to purify and protect from harm and negativity.
G/P/E: Masculine or Feminine/Mars or Venus/Fire or Earth (dependent on tradition)
Magical Attributes: Protection, Peace, Strength
Uses: Due to its strong abortive properties as an emmenagogue (a menstruation stimulant), pennyroyal is deeply associated with midwifery. As such, it can be used in spells related to encouraging menstruation, blood magic, and protection from unwanted pregnancies, especially for those in the sex industry. Do not, however, ingest pennyroyal without proper medical guidance as the plant is toxic. Its toxic nature, however, makes it a great herb for general protection. Place pennyroyal in your shoes prior to traveling to protect you and prevent your feet from tiring. Pennyroyal carried in the pocket is said to prevent quarrels while hanging it in your home is said to bring peace, even when tempers run high.
G/P/E: Masculine/Mercury/Fire
Magical Attributes: Abundance, Barrenness, Death, Fertility, Love, Luck, Mortality, Wealth, Wishes
Uses: The fruit’s oldest association, however, was fertility, sexuality, and abundance. These associations are likely a result of the fruit’s vigorous nature, an abundance of seeds, and deep, luscious red interior and juices reminiscent of female anatomy. Use pomegranate in rituals to increase fertility, promote love, increase abundance, increase sexual desire, or inspire a sexual awakening, especially in women. Due to its ‘bloody’ nature, the juice can be used as a blood substitute in spells and rituals, especially those related to women, fertility, pregnancy, birth, and life. See Fruit of the Underworld Ritual: Ritual to Connect with Your Ancestors
G/P/E: Feminine/Moon/Water
Magical Attributes: Death, Fertility, Love, Sleep, Remembrance
Uses: Use poppy seeds and flowers in love spells and rituals to induce love or bring love to you or cook into food to induce love. Place the seeds under your pillow to aid in sleep or mix the seeds into a sleeping draft. Be mindful that eating the seeds can show up on drug tests. Poppy seeds can also be used in fertility rituals and spells, especially those regarding your garden and crops.
Purple Deadnettle
G/P/E: Masculine/Mars/Fire
Magical Attributes: Courage, Happiness, Healing, Prosperity, Protection, Resilience
Uses: Because it blossoms around May 8th, the day dedicated to the Archangel Michael, it can be used for protection (especially for firefighters, officers, soldiers, and paramedics), to call upon Archangel Michael, or to dispel negativity. Use to encourage merriment and cheer and dispel negativity, especially after a fight. Combine with yarrow to create a potent healing charm/remedy or use to bring prosperity and abundance.
G/P/E: Feminine/Saturn/Earth
Magical Attributes: Happiness, Love, Protection
Uses: Carry seeds to protect you from harm and accidents. Eating quince will also prevent negative energy from bothering you. It is also given to newly weds to ensure happiness.
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Water
Magical Attributes: Healing, Love, Protection
Uses: In magic, raspberry fruits and leaves can be used in fertility spells and rituals, baked into pies or pressed into jam for the same purpose, in protection spells and rituals for women and children or any person with a uterus, or to bring loving, feminine energy to a spell. In Victorian flower language, raspberry was said to symbolize perfection, sweetness of character, and modesty. As such, raspberries can be used in spells to bring sweetness, kindness, or modesty or to represent blood. Hang brambles above your entry way or windows to prevent unwanted or negative energy from entering your home.
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Water
Magical Attributes: Divination, Healing, Love, Luck, Protection, Psychic Powers
Uses: Rose water and petals can be added to love baths to attract love and romance, while rose hips can be strung into a necklace to attract love. Drink rose tea prior to bed to induce prophetic dreams regarding your true love. Take three (or more) green rose leaves and write the name of your lovers on each. The one that stays the green the longest is said to be the one. Plant roses around your home to attract faeries. Rose petals placed around the home or carried will protect you from evil, harm, and disease. See Rose & Cinnamon Infused Honey Love Spell, New Year New Beginnings Tea & Tarot Ritual, Rose & Chocolate Love Potion, Wolf Moon Social Justice Spell Jar, Self-Love Witch Ball
G/P/E: Masculine/Sun/Fire
Magical Attributes: Exorcism, Healing, Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Protection, Purification, Sleep, Youth
Uses: Wear rosemary around your head or neck or burn it on charcoal to enhance memory and receive knowledge. Wreaths of rosemary ward off negativity and encourage happiness in the home. Burning rosemary cleanses areas of negativity and promotes healing. See New Year New Moon Banishing Bath Tea, Hedge Riding Tea, Deep House Cleansing Ritual, Goal Affirmation Sachet, and Anointing Oil Recipe for Ancestral Communication
G/P/E: Masculine/Mars/Fire
Magical Attributes: Creativity, Exorcism, Healing, Health, Mental Abilities
Uses: Rue is believed to protect the eater from the Evil Eye and can be used in spells and rituals for protection. Burning rue is said to enhance eye sight and creativity, while also removing negative energy for a space.
G/P/E: Masculine/Jupiter/Air
Magical Attributes: Immortality, Longevity, Protection, Purification, Wisdom, Wishes
Uses: Carry Sage to bring luck, wisdom, and protection. Burn it to purify rooms and objects and dispel negativity. Eating Sage will also promote wisdom while protecting pregnant women, increasing fertility, and extending life. See Deep House Cleansing Ritual and Threshold Protection Spell
Star Anise
G/P/E: Masculine/Jupiter/Air
Magical Attributes: Divination, Healing, Luck, Protection, Psychic Powers
Uses: Hang in the home, carry on your person, or used in spells and rituals, whole or burned, for protection. Star anise can also be added to healing spells and rituals. Add to your purse or wallet to ensure wealth and abundance. Burn as an incense to induce an altered state of consciousness or use as an oil to promote prophetic dreams.
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Water
Magical Attributes: Fertility, Humility, Love, Lust, Perfection, Purity, Righteousness, Romance
Uses: Leave as an offering for Aphrodite or Venus. Break in half and feed one half to your partner to fall in love. Add to love spells, rituals, and recipes to promote love, lust, and increase romantic feelings. Add to beauty spells and rituals to enhance your beauty and decrease blemishes and dark spots. Eat to soothe depression and anxiety. See Strawberry Freezer Jam Love Spell
St. John’s Wort
G/P/E: Masculine/Sun/Fire
Magical Attributes: Divination, Happiness, Health, Love, Protection, Strength
Uses: Hung over windows in your home it wards off ghosts, necromancers, and evil spirits while also protecting your home from fire, lightning, and misfortune. Burning during Midsummer banishes unwanted spirits and demons. It can also be used in prophetic dreams to catch a glimpses of your future husband or see other witches who may be checking up on you.
Sweet Violet
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Water
Magical Attributes: Healing, Peace, Protection, Love, Luck, Lust, Resurrection, Wishes
Uses: Violet leaves can be placed in your shoes for 7 days to attract love. It can also be mixed with lavender to promote love and arose lust. Supposedly gathering the first violets of spring will grant you your dearest wish. The Greeks would wear violet to calm tempers and help induce sleep. It was even said to cure headaches and protect against evil spirits.
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Water
Magical Attributes: Health, Longevity
Uses: Tansy can be carried or worn to promote longevity or can be used in banishment spells to rid yourself of unwanted people, events, or spirits. They can be placed on an ancestral altar to honor loved ones or used to contact spirits.
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Water
Magical Attributes: Courage, Healing, Health, Love, Psychic, Purification
Uses: Carry on you to bring courage, protection, or attract love. Bathe in a bath of Thyme and Marjoram to wash away sorrows and ills from your past. Burn to purify space and objects, especially before a ritual. Place under your pillow to ward off nightmares and bring restful sleep.
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Earth
Magical Attributes: Divination, Love, Prosperity, Protection
Uses: Use in love potions or place on your altar during love spells to enhance the magic. Wear to safeguard against poverty and bad luck. Due to their variety of color, tulips can be used in a variety of color magic.
G/P/E: Masculine/Sun or Jupiter/Fire
Magical Attributes: Beauty, Confidence, Courage, Healing, Luck, Purification
Uses: Wear slices of turmeric as a protection amulet or place in your home for the same purposes. Use in spells for protection, luck, prosperity, or fertility, especially when used during a wedding ceremony. Use turmeric to create magical inks, dye sachets and poppets, or add color to sweetening jars. Add turmeric to spells for confidence, courage, strength, and happiness due to its yellow color. Add turmeric to healing sachets, brews, and other spells, or burn to promote healing.
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Water
Magical Attributes: Dreaming, Healing, Love, Luck, Protection
Uses: Due to its numerous medicinal properties and historical uses, valerian can be used in healing spells and rituals. Hang valerian root in a sick room or place under the bed of someone who is ill to aid in their recovery. Valerian is also a potent herb for love and luck spells or just drawing something to you in general. It can also be used in cat magic, to quell a quarreling couple, and bring general harmony to the home.
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Water
Magical Attributes: Love, Lust, Wealth
Uses: Add to love spells and rituals to attract love, promote lust, and encourage new relationships. Vanilla can also be added to spells for wealth and abundance.
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Water
Magical Attributes: Courage, Exorcism, Love, Protection, Psychic Powers
Uses: When held or worn, it can bring courage and attract love and friendship. Hanging dried yarrow above your bed or using it in wedding decorations is said to ensure at least seven happy years of marriage. If placed under your pillow, it will bring dreams of your future husband or wife. An infusion can also be used to increase physic powers. If hung above a door or cradle, it is said to keep evil spirits at bay, bringing protection to those inside. See Anointing Oil Recipe for Ancestral Communication and Tarot Deck Blessing
G/P/E: Feminine/Venus/Earth
Magical Attributes: Abundance, Fertility, Money, Rebirth
Uses: Place bunches in your home to attract money and abundance. Wearing wheat or eating it is said to increase fertility and conception. Use in bread magic.
G/P/E: Feminine/Moon/Water
Magical Attributes: Divination, Fertility, Fidelity, Grief, Healing, Love, Lunar Magic, Protection, Psychic Abilities, Rebirth
Uses: Hang willow above doors and windows to protect against unwanted spirits, illness, lightning, and other negative entities. Add willow leaves and bark to spells to ensure their success and strengthen your intention. Willow can also be used in spells to communicate with the dead, honor your ancestors, and represent rebirth and the cycle of life and death. Willow bark is a potent healer and can be used to enhance healing spells and rituals.
G/P/E: Masculine/Mars/Fire
Magical Attributes: Love, Protection, Psychic Powers, Spirit Communication
Uses: Wormwood is often used in love charms and can be placed under the bed to bring love to the bedroom. It is also used for protection against Rusalki, fleas and ticks, vengeful spirits, bewitchment, and harm in general. If hung from the rearview mirror of a car it will protect you from accidents. When burned, it can increase psychic powers and raise the dead. Wormwood is also used in binding rituals.