
Herbs have been used in magic and spiritual practices for centuries due to their energetic and symbolic properties. Different herbs are believed to possess various magical qualities, and they are often incorporated into rituals, spells, potions, and other forms of magical work. Here are some commonly used magical herbs along with their associated meanings and uses.

Warning, whilst most herbs listed here are used in everyday cooking, inhalation or digestion of them can be dangerous always consult a professional herbalist first

1. Lavender. Often used for calming and relaxation, lavender is associated with peace, healing, and love. It can be used in spells related to tranquility, sleep, and purification.

2. Rosemary. Rosemary is linked to protection, purification, and memory enhancement. It’s often used in rituals for clarity, warding off negativity, and promoting mental focus.

3. Sage. Known for its cleansing properties, sage is used to purify spaces, objects, and energies. It’s commonly used in smudging rituals to clear away negative influences.

4. Mugwort. Mugwort is associated with divination, dreams, and astral projection. It’s believed to enhance psychic abilities and is often used in dream pillows or for smudging.

5. Basil. Basil is used for prosperity, love, and protection. It’s a versatile herb that can be incorporated into spells related to various intentions.

6. Chamomile. Chamomile is known for its calming properties and is used in spells for relaxation, sleep, and healing. It’s also associated with prosperity and love.

7. Thyme. Thyme is used for courage, strength, and protection. It’s often used in spells to boost confidence and resilience.

8. Mint. Mint is associated with abundance, prosperity, and healing. It can be used in money spells and to attract positive energies.

9. Patchouli. Patchouli is linked to grounding, attraction, and sensuality. It’s often used in spells to draw love, wealth, and positive energy.

10. Frankincense. Frankincense is used for spiritual growth, protection, and purification. It’s often burned as incense during rituals and meditation.

11. Myrrh. Myrrh is associated with banishing negative energies, enhancing spirituality, and promoting healing. Like frankincense, it’s often used as incense.

12. Cedar. Cedar is linked to protection, purification, and grounding. It’s used to create a protective boundary and ward off negative energies.

13. Cinnamon. Cinnamon is used for success, abundance, and attraction. It’s often used in spells related to money, luck, and passion.

14. Yarrow. Yarrow is associated with courage, psychic abilities, and divination. It’s used in spells to enhance intuition and boost courage.

15. Dandelion. Dandelion is linked to wishes, divination, and transformation. It’s often used in spells for making wishes come true.

These are just a few examples of the many magical herbs used in various practices. When working with herbs in magic, it’s essential to research their properties, meanings, and potential side effects. Additionally, personal intuition and intention play a significant role in harnessing the power of herbs for magical purposes. Always approach magical practices with respect, mindfulness, and a deep understanding of the energies you are working with.

Click for full list of herbs 


Hedge Witch

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