Green Witch

Green witches are extremely nature based.  They are likely to be in-tune with the seasons and often use natural materials to create their own magical tools.  They most likely try to perform all their spell work and rituals outside in nature when possible.

Nature-Cantered Spirituality. Green Witches believe in the sacredness of nature and often draw inspiration from the cycles of the seasons, the moon, and natural elements like trees, plants, and animals. They see divinity or spiritual energy in the natural world.

Herbalism. Green Witches have a strong affinity for herbs and their magical and healing properties. They often cultivate gardens filled with herbs for use in spells, potions, and for medicinal purposes. They may also have extensive knowledge of plant lore.

Earth Magic. The practice of Green Witchcraft involves using natural materials, like stones, crystals, and feathers, in rituals and spell work. The Earth is considered a powerful source of magical energy.

Environmental Stewardship. Green Witches are often environmental activists and advocates for the protection of the planet. They strive to live in harmony with the Earth and may adopt sustainable and eco-friendly practices.

Divination. Some Green Witches practice divination methods that involve natural elements, such as reading patterns in leaves, stones, or natural objects.

Ritual and Ceremony. Like other forms of witchcraft, Green Witchcraft includes rituals and ceremonies to honour nature, mark seasonal changes, and work magic. These rituals often take place outdoors when possible.

Connection to Deities. While Green Witches primarily focus on nature, some may also incorporate a pantheon of deities or spirits into their practice. These deities are often associated with the natural world.

Personal Growth and Healing. Green Witchcraft is not just about external magic but also about personal growth and healing. Many practitioners seek to balance their own energies and emotions with the help of nature.

It’s important to note that Green Witchcraft is a diverse and eclectic path, and individual practitioners may incorporate various beliefs and practices into their craft. While some Green Witches identify as Wiccans, not all do, and the term “Green Witch” can be used more broadly to describe any witchcraft practice cantered on nature and ecology.


Hedge Witch based in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. United Kingdom.

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