Energy and Consciousness

Everything is energy.

From the water you drink, the air you breath, the stone you pick up in the garden.

Nothing in reality is made of anything solid, even you are not solid, nor a liquid or a gas. Liquids, gasses, and perceived solid things are basically all the same and made of the same stuff, and that is energy.

Why does it feel solid?

The Science

Well in a simply put what you perceive as solid is just the electro magnetic force of the electrons orbiting at very high speeds around the nucleus of an atom. This is proven by science and factual.

But when we look deeper the atom is made up by subatomic particles, protons, neutrons, and electrons

Protons Have a positive charge and are located in the nucleus of an atom
Neutrons Have no charge and are located in the nucleus of an atom
Electrons Have a negative charge and orbit the nucleus in shells 


Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter.

The number of protons and electrons in an atom determines which element it is.

The number of neutrons in an atom determines its isotope.

Atoms can bond together to form molecules.

Elements can combine to form compounds.

Prior to the the formation of the subatomic particles we understand everything is a wave of energy or as many call it a wave of potential. When a wave is observed it collapses to form a particle which then forms an atom of a certain type which forms molecules and elements. Along with the electromagnetic force.

Observation & Consciousness.

Ok so what is it about – observation and the formation?

Consciousness causes the wave to collapse and form particles leading to matter. In leading scientific theories today consciousness is not at all understood and how it effects the quantum wave of potential to collapse.

Consciousness is fundamental along with energy and you will hear many physicist say energy is information but then fail to really describe this. But as I see it based on my own perception and understanding consciousness itself is the information that is carried by the energy.

To get our heads around this we need to be first open minded and forget what physics tries to tell us, although it is catching up to this knowledge quickly after years of suppression by the materialist beliefs. Secondly we have to drop the assumption that consciousness is attributed to intelligent cognitive thought. Also that we are not all that there is as consciousness in the universe. As humans we have a failing in understanding anything outside of our own perception of knowledge. A very self centered approach and very misleading. If you can drop these assumptions based on what we have been taught then things become much clearer and our ability to understand grows. This belief we hold that consciousness can only be a human or even animal trait is just a belief and that belief filters our understanding and reality.

Consciousness has infinite layers and can be very different but even so it still uses the quantum wave energy as a medium to travel.

Everything we as human perceive from a grain of sand, a mineral to complex life is conscious. It has knowledge and this knowledge is what is used to form the material world we see, feel, taste, hear and so on,

To us it may seem very basic information / consciousness but it still exists. In its own conscious realm.

We know animals have a consciousness and if you have a pet you will know and understand this, but they are at a different level than that of us humans, plants have a consciousness but at a different level to us as does everything. As it is at a different level it just means we cannot directly understand or know this consciousness.

But we can effect these levels of consciousness using intent by going to the carrier of the consciousness, the energy, and changing the vibrational state of that energy with thought.

To do this we get into the right energy level, so for positiveness we may mediate on a beautiful place we have been too. It was peaceful and at the same time inspiring and we felt really good about this place, What we want to do here is now capture that feeling in our mind, how does this place make me feel, happy, content,  a feeling of gratitude for life and being alive and the love we feel for this place, how does this make us feel in our body and mind. With a little practice and a little time we can feel this emotion without even having to visit this place in our mind, instead we can just get the feeling and then we take this feeling and apply it to our intent of what we wish to manifest. This manifestation we aim for could be anything, protection, healing, attracting something. This then sets the right vibrational level for our intent.

Our consciousness works as both input and output and the output is this vibrational intent that we have set. Our very own stands of DNA work as a receiver and also a broadcaster. This is then sent to the Quantum energy field and the manifestation of your intent is caused by the Quantum field responding to your consciousness. This will then in turn manifest the outcome at that vibrational level.


The cone of power

This is a concept in modern witchcraft, particularly in Wicca. It refers to the energy raised by a group of witches or a solitary practitioner during a ritual, usually in the shape of a cone, to achieve a specific goal or intention. Here’s a bit more detail:

Formation: During a ritual, witches form a circle and raise energy through chanting, drumming, dancing, or other methods. This energy is visualised as a cone, with the base of the cone at the circle and the tip reaching upwards.

Purpose: The energy raised in the cone of power is directed towards a specific goal, such as healing, protection, or manifesting desires. Once the energy is built up, it is released to achieve the intended purpose.

Historical Context: The concept of raising and directing energy is an ancient practice found in many cultures, but the specific idea of the cone of power is more modern and closely associated with Wicca and neopagan movements.


You have purchased a new gem, crystal for your alter and you want to energise and infuse this with healing, protective energy with the intent of protecting your sacred place and also helping you heal.

Place yourself in a mediational state of love, peace & gratitude. How you do this is down to you, as the example earlier we could use a place we visited on a great holiday, somewhere we visited and it felt great. We then use this feeling to cleanse and set the intention for the gem. We focus on this gem and set our intent but from a place of the feeling we have created ie. love, peace & gratitude.

Your focus then at the Quantum level becomes an observation and as the wave function collapses due to the observation the carrier, being the energy, is infused with this intent at a higher level of vibration and manifests itself with these properties.

Lets say this gem is for healing alone, meditate on a time that you felt great, you where fit & healthy and focus in on that feeling. Then using the feeling alone set you intent for the gem using this feeling of healing. The gem will before manifestation (state of the quantum wave collapse to particles the act of observation) at the quantum level now have the correct energy to work it’s magic as it forms from particle to atoms and to molecules and structure.

This magic can be seen happening in real life and the video below shows this is real life action with water.

Everything can be effected by positive intent. But also negative intent. so be careful on your intent.


Hedge Witch based in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. United Kingdom.

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