

Views on life after death can vary widely among individuals who identify as witches or practice witchcraft, as witchcraft itself is not a monolithic belief system but rather a diverse and multifaceted collection of practices, traditions, and spiritual perspectives. As a result, there is no single “witches’ view” on life after death. However, I can provide you with a few different perspectives that some witches might hold.

  1. Reincarnation and Rebirth. Some witches may believe in the concept of reincarnation, where the soul or consciousness is reborn into a new body after death. This belief is often rooted in the idea that the soul learns and grows through multiple lifetimes.

  2. Ancestral Spirits and Afterlife Realms. Some witches may believe that after death, the spirit or consciousness of an individual transitions to an ancestral or spirit realm. This realm could be a place where ancestors watch over and guide the living, and where the deceased can continue to interact with the living world in various ways.

  3. Eternal Energy and Nature Connection. Some witches might not believe in a traditional afterlife, but rather see death as a transition of energy back into the natural world. They may believe that the energy and essence of a person persist in the cycles of nature and the universe.

  4. Parallel Dimensions and Astral Travel. Certain witches might hold beliefs related to parallel dimensions or astral planes. They may think that after death, the soul or consciousness can travel to different planes of existence, interacting with other beings and experiences.

  5. Personal Choice and Belief. Ultimately, witchcraft is often an individual and eclectic practice, so beliefs about life after death can be highly personal. Some witches might not adhere to any specific doctrine and may form their own unique perspectives on the afterlife based on their spiritual experiences and intuition.

My personal view on this is that as we know consciousness is source energy and energy does not die it simply transforms. In the West we have a very dim and sombre view on death and this is down to the fact we have been bombarded with materialistic science, which is now itself dying as it is just a dogmatic belief itself akin to mainstream religions.

As physical human beings we rely on our physical senses to navigate this physical world, which is in fact scientifically proven to be an illusion created by energy. We only see a small percentage of what is out there and use instruments to see other things. We can use tools such as those of divination and scrying to reach out but if a person does not believe in this then it will simply be filtered out. Our senses do deceive us as what we do perceive are simply electro chemical stimuli of which our brain can decode and use, but deeper down in the subconscious, our consciousness (soul) connects to source and if allowed can perceive much more.

Just because we can not readily observe something does not mean it does not exist.

Yes when someone or a pet dies we will grieve and feel loss and sadness at the loss of their physical presence in our perception of reality.

But I strongly believe that when a death occurs the soul (consciousness) transcends death and for a time will rest and recover from the life experience and take heed of the lessons learnt through experiences. Although no longer physical the energy can manifest as form. This is why people on our plane can communicate and spiritual sightings are observed. At the same time we will meet them again on this plane of rest when we die ourselves and they will help us in our own transition to the after life. Time in this afterlife is not as we perceive it and years can go by in a blink of an eye  for them as this is not a physical realm so time has no meaning. They will help us understand our own lessons of life and help us understand what lessons we learnt in our life time. We then have the opportunity to stay with them for as long as we wish remembering time is not a thing here. At some point we may than agree and decided to live another life on this physical plane or another. We agree this with those we have been reunited with and agree a life to be had and how others will play a part in that life. Rebirth onto this or another wordily plane then happens and the cycle continues.

When we go to the afterlife and wrong doings are forgiven and instead interpreted as lessons and the other soul can easily do this as they knew it was part of your life plan agreed with them before that life and a lesson they agreed to give via experience.

New souls or consciousnesses may come and go but only on agreement of you both.

Just remembering a loved one who has past is enough and all that is needed.

This post is dedicated to my best friend Styx a beautiful collie dog hence the picture of him. He stood by me in some very difficult times and also taught me some valuable life lessons. Far more than a dog, he was my best friend and did so much for me and bought me so much happiness. I look forward to meeting him again when my time comes and know and understand he is still wit me today in consciousness (soul).

It’s important to note that not all witches share the same beliefs, and there’s a wide range of diversity within the witchcraft community. If you’re interested in learning more about a specific witch’s perspective on life after death, it would be best to engage in open and respectful conversations with practitioners from different traditions and backgrounds.

A Prayer and Dedication to Styx

Mother Goddess, Father God,

I release myself from those who have left this plane.

And let them walk the blessed gardens of Summerland.


As they enter a dream from which rebirth will arise,

I give thanks for the time spent together

And invoke their protective light to guide me.


I light a candle to bless this day,

With the splendour of fire, the freedom of the wind,

The stability of earth, and the depth of the sea.


Sun and Moon, grant us birth,

Give us life, death, and rest.

For we shall meet again

Once our souls leave this world.


Guide me through the night,

And through the sun-lit days.

Merry part and merry meet.

In soul and heart, Blessed be.

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Hedge Witch based in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. United Kingdom.

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