Lesson 3. Consciousness, Reality and Free Will


Lesson 3.

In this lesson we are going to be making what many of you feel will be some wild statements and say things that will challenge some of your beliefs that become behaviours. But this is a good time for you to start putting into practice what lessons 1 and 2 talked about. If I say something that you do not agree with or think, no, that is not correct then please pause for a moment and ask yourself why it is you do not feel it may be correct. What is your rational behind that thought, your factual evidence,

First we will cover Free will..

Do you have free will, this is an ongoing debate among many, and in short yes we do have free will but that only happens to us as part of the process of behaviours, beliefs and our thoughts and free will only emerges on a conscious level of thought to us as the belief or behaviour are not conscious to us.

As the Pyramid above explains from the bottom up we start with the sub conscious layer, this does not speak in a normal language to our logical conscious mind, instead it takes in certain information and based on that information it triggers emotions and beliefs leading to programmed behaviours that have been learnt by us through experiences and events in our lives, memories then support this trigger.

As it forms and emerges it becomes conscious thought but is shaped by the behaviour and thus not completely factual as we know memory is fallible and subject to conditioning and changes which leads to assumptions that are not based on actual facts.

As the thought then emerges to us in a very conscious way, we can then make other choices as to how we may react to the situation at that time. But this for many is where free will is not implemented or implemented properly or fully. Many will just see the initial conscious thought and emotion at the middle level and will not challenge this and instead just go with it. But with some practice we aim to pause if just for a second or two and challenge the initial conscious thought and we ask and challenge the validity or this. To do that we then need to understand the behavioural driving force that gave rise to this conscious thought.

Sounds like a long process and I am not going to lie to you hear. Initially it does and may require you to sit and quietly contemplate on it, sometimes for quite a while, but the more you do the faster you will be able to do this and it does not take long to train yourself to do this.

If we do this and we challenge a thought and subsequent reaction to it then we have the ability not only to challenge it but also reprogram it at source level. When we realise that our thoughts and memories where not based on a fully factual bit of information to begin with then this gives rise for the opportunity to think differently about it and this is what we really mean by free will.

Consciousness and Reality.

Knowing what we know so far we must first accept that how we see and understand things is a combination of experiences, society in general, education and nurturing.

Without knowing it programs are, and have been created since your birth and continue even today. Education has played a huge role in all of this, especially as a younger mind and it has set ways via behaviours that for many feel are set for life or as we often say set in stone.

A few examples below just how things are not the way they seem and how things change overtime.

The Greeks for example believed that the world was made of small bits of hard stuff which they called “Atomos”, meaning indivisible and today we refer to as the Atom. Yet physicists eventually split the Atom leading to huge amounts of power and we more commonly know this today as a nuclear weapon. But the fact remains the Greeks had a concept which in part was true, atoms do bind to form molecules and molecules form structures of hard stuff from cells to stones. But their description of the atom was not correct as it is not a small bit of hard stuff but is actually made of a very small nucleus with electrons orbiting it at very fast speed. Yet this concept the Greeks had made sense to them as they could not see nor test an atom but its explanation was sound in many ways. This led to the beginnings of materialist science, meaning that everything could be broken down into the smallest unit. This materialistic view has stayed as a belief and dogma until very recently and in some areas still is a belief, yet it is just that a belief.

Today materialism is being shown to be incorrect in every conceivable way as it does not explain anything prior to the atom or particle within a nucleus of an atom. In some ways materialism is good as it allows us to use chemistry and so on to build things. But its explanation based on a belief is far from anywhere near complete.

A materialist will typically say Life After Death, cannot exist. Yet a materialist will require solid evidence of something and that means it must be able to be manipulated and or recreated time and time again in tests. If it cannot be done then it is phenomenon or spooky action and is not valid scientific evidence. In many respects this could be seen as a good way to validate things scientifically and is still persistent today in scientific fields. But the point here is a materialist requires hard solid evidence but in saying that what evidence to they have in relation to life not existing after death. No we cannot see people who have died but that does not give rise to solid evidence life does not continue after death. Yet they are unwilling to see both sides of the argument and just because they cannot see it seems it is evidence enough to sate such a thing. Hypocritical really. Especially with so much evidence of people recalling near death experiences and recollections of past lives. I do not need to sate the obvious here about what as Witches we know and understand about life after.

But back to the example used here so far, we now know that the atom can be split and that within its nucleus particles are present, we also know now that particles make up the atom but when not directly observed these particles act more as waves and as experiments repeated over and over such as the double slit experiment shows this is true.

Another example here is the universe.

Originally we thought the Earth was flat and if you traveled too far you would fall off. But also we believed that we where at the centre of the universe and that the moon and stars orbited around us and at night a large sheet was draped over Earth which had small holes in it which let light through to show what we today call stars. This was of course a very deep routed belief in early mainstream religious time. But then Newton came along and with calculations and extremely accurate predictions stated that in fact we orbited the Sun. No, this did not go down well with Religious beliefs and Newton often found himself in an inquisition by the priests and the church. But there was scientific evidence that could not be ignored and the church had no choice but to eat a big chunk of humble pie. But later on along came Einstein and his theory of Relativity along with the likes of Bore and quantum physics. As Einstein was a materialist by nature he struggled to put quantum physics and general relativity together to form an equation that explained everything. But both sides of the theories had merit from the very very small quantum world or particles and forces to the cosmic size understanding of relativity, yet they could not be joined into one theory.

Einstein on his death bed was still trying to come up with an equation to do this but never did. Possibly because at heart he was a materialist and failed to grasp or believe in things which he referred to in one instance as spooky action at a distance in relation to quantum entanglement.

Lets also not forget Hubble who discovered that not all of the stars we see in the night sky are in fact stars but distant galaxies and have doppler effect, meaning they would appear a certain colour when moving away, in this case red compared to one moving towards us. This discovery made our world suddenly very small in the grand scheme of things and forced us to undo some beliefs we had about the universe. But from this as Hubble showed the doppler effect and more or less straight away based on this the Big Bang theory was created. Based purely on an observation and red shift. The big bang theory is full of holes and mathematics that simply does not add up. But where it does not add up more mathematics is added and often bazar theories such as when the universe is measured it is larger than calculated meaning several million or billion years where missing for the expanse. So inflation theory was born to account for this, but even then it still meant based on calculations that the inflation period would mean that inflation would have to be faster than light. But according to Einstein the speed of light is a universal constant and cannot be broken. One states one thing and another who prescribes to a theory says another. Just maybe the theory is incorrect entirely to begin with and instead of working on and amending the wrong thing just looking with fresh eyes and more open belief would work out better to start with.

This is where from an academic and educational perspective we have got it wrong. For a someone who wishes to have a career and work at higher levels our current system requires they hold certain qualifications such as a PHD, but to attain such qualifications the person must prescribe to a system and more significantly a belief in that system so they are indoctrinated in to a belief. Then later on should they change that belief it would mean career suicide.

Intelligence should not be measured on how well we remember certain things and the ability to regurgitate certain believed facts but should be measured on creativity which is based primarily on imagination. All  inventions started out as an imaginative thought.

However, our current school education system is designed on a principle that imaginations should be suppressed at a child’s early age, makes me wonder how many potential Nichol Tesla’s are out there now asking, would you like fries with that and not thinking about the bigger questions and provide solutions as they where suppressed from creative thinking by a so called qualified educator who themselves where subject to the same brain washing early on. During the industrial revolution it is known that children had to learn a system where by the learn to just work, not ask questions and then rpeat, this is the basis of our education system today, and its so sad.

So what has this got to do with witchcraft and the mindset behind it.

With the examples given just take a second or two to realise just how much of an influence the examples gave the general population and a belief that they where correct, and also the timescales of those beliefs.

Today the majority of people accept the Big Bang theory as the standard model and even teach it as fact in education although the clue is in the name as in theory. But this is the power words and ideas can have. But if we again stop and think about it we are being asked to believe that something the size of our universe, which has not been proven as it is only measured as the observable universe, all came from  n infinitely dense and infinitely hot singularity. The theory only came about by some basic observations, in that galaxies are moving away from each other, so calculations where made that if the distances where to be rewound how long would it have been when all the galaxies where in one place and compact into a singularity. It is only an idea and an assumption, best guess if you like, but we accept it as fact.

All in all over time things change and just like we once thought the Earth was flat and everything revolved around us and the atom was the smallest indivisible bit of hard stuff, we have by experiment and observation moved on to explain things deeper and understand more , but for a long time these incorrect assumptions where believed in and taken as fact.

Unless we look really deep and have open minds, and not allow ourselves to be stuck in others beliefs, progress and understanding would not happen. Personally speaking I have no doubts in my own mind that the big bang theory is not correct and as already being proposed by many cosmologists it is being shown to be an incorrect theory.

So having beliefs in such a way can and does hold things back and as a witch you need to understand and accept this completely and not allow others or institutions program you into beliefs.

It can and is difficult but absolutely necessary in order to perform spells and change, even if just within yourself. As you progress you will without uncover a lot of false beliefs you have and are not even aware of and these false beliefs are the main reason things do not work as they are blocked by false beliefs deep within you.


As a witch, we must understand consciousness and what it really is and how it is effected by our minds, or how our minds influence consciousness.

Lets say as currently proposed and accepted as a standard model in science today, life in the universe that is a finite universe happened as a series of random events. The number of factors to allow these random events to occur is basically impossible unless the universe is infinite. Many scientists refuse to accept the universe is infinite as infinity is something our human brains cannot even begin to truly comprehend. but for a single cell to emerge out of a series of random events there are several million (at least) other random events that need to happen at the same time, just a few examples would be, the right type of subatomic particle being in the right place at the right time, the electromagnetic force being in the right state at the right time, the heat of the universe being exactly right at again the right time. If we where to use a scale of say 1 to 10 where each point represents a certain state something must be in to create just the basics happening then the number of things needed to be just right would be astronomical. Never mind the fact these so called random events would have to occur again and again in order to evolve. Of course this is a materialistic point of view and the materialist does not believe in infinite but the point here is the number of random events needed at the same time in the same place where by if using our scale, just one random event in a million or more random events where out by one digit life would not have happened. If this as proposed by them is true then the universe would by definition have to be infinite in order for this to happen. Something they say cannot be the case as infinity cannot exists.

If it was infinite then it would mean that these random events would take place infinitely meaning there are infinite versions of you to the point of an exact match out there. Think about that for a second an exact copy of you would exist but also very near copies would also exist where in one place a time you would be you but with one hair out of place. That’s what we are talking about with infinity and how hard it is for us to comprehend it. But again the materialist often states there is no other life in the universe so they have condemned their own argument to begin with.

Simply put the random event of life proposed is preposterous really when you think about it as everything seems so finely and perfectly tuned for life to exist to begin with and the random event is numerically and mathematically basically impossible.

So we have to consider alternatives to what we are and where we come from and this includes consciousness.

A theory that is gaining weight today is the simulation theory and it basically states that we exist in a simulation run by some gigantic cosmic computer. But this does arise more questions like, well if we are who and what created that and where did they and their universe come from and the question really becomes a loop back to our own questions. But it does have a lot of merit, and although I do not feel the simulation theory as currently understood and described is correct by physicists and philosophers. For me our consciousness is part of a type of simulation a natural one. If we take a human being, we do not experience anything real around us, nothing is solid and we know this as atoms are themselves not solid and made up of electrons in orbit around them which gives rise to the electro magnetic force which gives the impression of solidity. We never or have never actually touched anything solid, that’s impossible. What we perceive as solid is energy and forces at work and when we feel something it is an electro chemical sensation from our nerves to our brain. Sound, smell, taste, touch and vision is all the same. We see things as photons hit the retina at the back of our eyes these photons are translated in our brains, in a small part and then processed into images we visualise in our minds. In a nut shell here our brains and everything we perceive around us is in a small black isolated box in our skulls and all information is based on our biological senses which is done by electro chemical stimulus. And that’s it.

Basically and, very basically , everything is energy but not energy as in an electricity line, although that is as well,, but  energy is a vibrational frequency,  that contains information. When observed by a conscious entity, in other words something that can decipher this information observed, the frequency or wave like function collapses and becomes particles, which then go on to then form atoms with electrons, then molecules and eventually what is perceived as solid structure.

Now, consciousness or the observer does not mean it has to be a human or animal, it can be anything that has properties that has been created by something. So a stone has properties as it was built from the earth and soil to begin with and as all witches agree our planet is conscious. This is not just a witches view but something we know to be true. So the stone in this example although very different from our consciousness was created by a consciousness of a different type. This is why you see and can feel the stone and experience it through your senses.

In the craft we should view consciousness as source, and this is something that modern day theoretical physics is now coming to terms with after all if we do not have consciousness then what exists to observe anything else.

Putting this together now..

We understand that energy is information. Take a hologram for example. When you look at it from different angle you see a three D image on a flat surface, Now, lets not get overcomplicated here. But basically the way a hologram is made is that every pixel on the flat piece of card contains all of the image’s details. So just like your television we know the screen is made up of small dots, called pixels which display a different colour to produce a whole image on the screen and these are refreshed very quickly and this is measured in hertz. But with a hologram rather than each pixel showing one colour it has the whole image embedded in it, done by a laser. All very clever, but I want you now to hold this idea as we will return back to it very shortly.

A very genuine and open minded theoretical physicist called Nassim Haramein did some calculations on how big a photon was, the results where even moire precise than those measured at the large hydron collider at cern in Sweden. But he went on to then based on the diameter of the photon which is a particle of light and using the Plank scale which is currently our smallest unit of measurement we can mathematically comprehend and is so small much smaller than the size of an electron orbiting a nucleus of an atom. But when Nassim measured the photon using equations he realised that the number of Plancks related exactly to the number of centimeters of the observable universe. Now that cannot be a coincidence at all.

So what if we took the photon and say that each planck length represents a pixel and each one of these pixels works as a hologram does and contain all of the information of our universe. In other words each photon of light contains the information with in of the whole universe, this makes a lot of sense as it means our universe is holographic and information is delivered to us consciously by the photon., constantly.

Now things get even weirder now, but as Einstein proposed and has been tested, well as near as possible , is that as you approach the speed of light, which a photon travels at, time slows down and stops at the speed of light. At this speed time does not exists to the observer.

OK, I am going to ease off the science side now, but it is important to have a concept of it and in a very basic summery of it all I am saying consciousness is the fundamental source of everything and consciousness is projected to us and back to source by us. It is energy and energy is information. Our brains, DNA and so on are merely antennas to pickup this information and due to the holographic nature of it present a world around us. Consciousness is always flowing, so for example. You pick a pen up next to you and move it two feet away the information is immediately updated, so when my wife walks in the room asking for a pen she sees the new information as to where the pen is. The hard bit to grasp here is time does not exists but it does from our point of reference as an observer. If I was a photon travelling at the speed if light then everything that has ever happened in our universe would pass by instantly so time is irrelevant at this point.

Now what does this mean for you, most Witches know and understand the akashic records, this is said to be a record of everything, your past lives and every detail and for our ancestors they where onto something here. But based on their understanding at that time that is all it was thought to be, but I am proposing here that these records are source consciousness. A reflection of everything both in the past and present right now and are projected as a hologram to us as to the state of every particle leading on to atoms and so on. How we interacting with that then feeds back instantly to update the source , instantly so that we share a common material realty. Remember nothing is solid but at fundamental level energy which is information, the reason you do not fall through a chair when you sit on it is the fact particles formed atoms and thus electrons and it is only the electromagnetic repelling force that produces the illusion of a solid structure. And you are made up of exactly the same stuff.

But for us if we can get our heads around this then we begin to realise that by just moving something we have a control over reality and influence based on what we do with it. So moving a pen seems obvious but if it is all information then we can alter this information by our minds alone. This is the key to everything and for you to bring about change, instantly. If you do not believe this then change will not happen as certain behaviours in your thinking are placing blocks on the change, even though you may not realise it. You are the creator of your life and how you perceive and understand consciousness.

If you have negative thoughts based on beliefs you have then your own reality will be negative as you generate your reality to begin with.

If you do not believe you have the ability to make change for the better then you won’t.

It is not easy I grant you this, but with practice and understanding you will and we all have the ability to do it. But we also need to understand that others and their own consciousnesses will effect ours, at the end of the day we are all connected to the same source and that source is updated by everything so negative stuff is updated as much as anything else.

So how can we influence others who may be effecting things around us, well this comes from being able to tune into their own conscious frequencies and changing the vibrational frequency of them.


I understand, this has been a bit of a wild lesson going from one thing to another, but the point is by giving examples and including some additional information, I want you to understand here just how powerful thoughts can be. All things here given in examples started with a creative thought. Just understand how much that thought spread and created beliefs on a global scale and remained for long periods of time. A thought that comes from a belief, when vocalized has huge impact on consciousness, not just your perception of consciousness and reality, but influences many others consciousnesses and realities as we all share the same consciousness.  But the thought needs intent behind it for it to work which means it needs to come from a valid behaviour to begin with.

Just giving a healing thought and lighting a candle and maybe saying an enchantment or spell is not enough, it has to come from a healing belief and with the right intent. The same with a curse, its no good just saying a curse as someone has upset you as it has to come from a place of anger and resentment to have any effect. Whether you heal, love or curse and everything in between it must have true intent and anything else you use to accomplish that is just a tool, such as a wand, a voodoo doll, cauldron, certain herbs and so on, yes with the right intent these things called correspondences will help and provide a focused intent. But the intent has to come from within deep down at the behaviour level to make any difference.

This is where many Witches fail to bring to manifestation spells and more and where buying a ready made spell from a metaphysical shop simply does not work and your simply throwing good money away. Not only that when it fails it leads to confidence being questioned and challenged, this leads to behaviours again that will ultimately lead to failure.

 This is not easy but can be done, with dedication and work, and more will be explained more in the next lesson.

The following YouTube Video is a great resource to watch and covers many things this lesson has to offer. Along with a lot of other stuff.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JREQvKiKWoY[/embedyt]


Hedge Witch based in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. United Kingdom.

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