Common misconceptions and FAQs

If you are starting out, or have doubts about what Paganism is or Witchcraft then please check our F.A.Q section below, This is also provided as a page and can be accessed by the FAQ link on the main home page or by clicking here

Main FAQ

No this is a belief that christianity pushed on society. Christianity changed the paradigm in terms of beliefs and stated that there was only one god. They used this as an excuse to validate violent acts against people.

We must remember here the time and environment civilization was at, it truly was survival of the fittest and wars often broke out between settlements over land and food with raids taking place. These where violent times. but with christianity they changed this by saying it was in the name of their god which gave an excuse to do the same thing and raid, pillage and rape but under the banner of converting beliefs to their own belief.

It would be wrong to say Pagans did not have blood on their hands and carried out atrocities but it was not based on beliefs but more the fight for survival in a violent world. The only one main thing that can be said that is bought up in todays modern times is that of sacrifice of which many Pagan cultures would engage in to appease the gods. Again we must remember the times they lived in and they would know no better. But the Christians tortured and executed many which really is the other side of the same coin. If christianity had not of been so intolerant of other beliefs then like today Pagans would see sacrifice as wrong, so for many who say Pagans are evil they simply use this as an excuse to ridicule and condemn a natural, nature based belief system .

Starting out in Witchcraft can be confusing for a lot and a lot does depend on your circumstances.

Circumstances such as.

  • Are you on your own as a solitary.
  • Are you an hereditary witch.
  • Are your friends witches and you want to be part of a small group.
  • Do you know a Coven and want to join.

In traditional terms, before you dedicate yourself as a witch you take a year and a day to learn all about it, do your research and just find out as much as you can. During this time you can practice the craft and work with it but you wait the time period before you dedicate. This sounds a long time and yes you can call yourself a witch but this time period to dedicate is actually very good.

Dedication means you are 100% sure this is the path you want to lead for the rest of your life and commit to it. Dedication is a small yet significant ritual you will perform or will be performed at a Coven in a dedication ceremony.

Things to consider.

You dedicate based on your own free will and based on your own desire and choice, this is very important and crucial. If you are not sure have doubts or feel you are being influenced and pushed in to it then you should not dedicate. Very often people dedicate as they have a group of friends and they just want to become part of that circle and be accepted, so they do it for that reason only, which would be wrong. In some cases in terms of hereditary, meaning a parent or grandparent is or was a Witch, then people feel they must dedicate and have little choice, but this is untrue and they must decide based on their own choices. Very often hereditary Witches can come across more as an ego Witch, where due to the hereditary status they feel they are better than others, not in every case but in a few cases. There are even those who say you cannot be a true Witch unless you are hereditary, but this is completely untrue.

Covens are a great way to learn and get guidance as you start out but even these have pitfalls, as a Coven has its own path, and ways of doing things and you will be expected to follow that path. They can be structure be quite disciplined in what they do, also make sure it is a legitimate Coven and not a Coven disguised as a cult.

I believe personally, that the best way to start is to be a solitary, eclectic practitioner, getting advice from others and doing your research before committing to anything. This gives you the freedom to explore openly all paths and traditions and helps you to identify which path you feel most at home with and comfortable.

How do I know if I should become a Witch?

You will feel a calling, something that comes deep from within you, also a friend or person unbeknown to them will probably guide you. As a Witch when we meet someone new we don't go up to them and say "hi my names such and such and I am a Witch". As Witches we like to remain secretive, not deceptive but keep things to ourselves. You may well find you have had a friend for many years and yet not have known they are Witch. We certainly do not go around like the Jehovah Witnesses do and go from door to door trying to sell a belief. The calling you get is very individual and personally for me it was the deep desire to be in nature. I started to feel the life essence of nature, plants, animals and wanted to protect and care for it all. I started to really notice the seasons and the diversity they bought and to cherish the seasons. I felt the urge to heal others, comfort them and come from a genuine place. When I was out shopping, if I saw a book store or metaphysical store I just felt excited and had to go in. In the shop it would feel homely, warm and inviting with the smell of incense and the music playing. I found myself feeling the need to burn  candle at night and take up spiritual relaxation such as meditation. My guidance came from a group of people I knew who enjoyed doing ghost hunting. Whilst I did not feel completely at ease with ghost hunting, it was not because I was scared or spooked out but because I did not like the way that some would treat with respect the spirits. But One person who attended unbeknown to me was a witch and we got chatting online, they never told me until I mentioned how I felt. They asked a few questions and asked me if I knew about witchcraft of which I said no, and they just told me to look into it and if I had any questions to just ask them. They where not pushing me in anyway but just there to help with any questions. That's how it all started for me and from that moment on I did my homework, asked questions and then a year later dedicated myself to the craft as an eclectic, solitary Witch.

Your calling maybe very different and you shouldn't think if you do not feel this way then its not for you but instead listen to your internal instincts and go with them as they are never wrong.

But I am baptised or call myself, Christian, Catholic, Muslim and any other mainstream religion.

This does not make any difference in Witchcraft as some Witches also believe in mainstream religion(s). It isn't an issue in Witchcraft . If you follow the Pagan path then maybe you need to think about this a bit more as this is a more of a dedicated root. Many Witch do believe in Christ consciousness which is no different from any deity

Pros and Cons.

There are pros and cons to whichever way you chose, it may sound like I am pushing my own path a little here, that of being eclectic and solitary, where eclectic means I can take whatever I please and feel comfortable with from any tradition and solitary meaning I work alone. But solitary does not imply you always work alone as solitary Witches can for groups or Coven like groups and work together at certain times, which is what I do. But being eclectic and solitary does mean you have to work harder at what you do and guidance is not always easy to find. Also you tend to have to learn by mistakes a lot more, for example. When I started out I would come up with different rituals normally for an Esbat. But very often even though I had prepared well in advance when it came to the night of the ritual things just did not feel right. It lacked that certain umph for want of a better word and lacked that energetic connection. This was mainly due to me following what others had said in books or online. I would start with preparations then at the time cleanse the area where my alter is, take a ritual shower and don my robe. Then create a bubble, sphere of protection (which is something you must do no matter what path you follow). Then call the quarters and elementals followed by invoking spirit and so on. But it just did not feel I had done anything at all apart from go through the motions. Later I learnt by just going with what felt best for me although following a base format as described above but in my own way then things started to work and that feeling of energy and connection was very apparent. But that all took time to do and to come to realisation for me.

Obviously when in a group or Coven then others help you make connection and raise the energy so it is easier and from the outset better. But then you have to go with what the elders and high priestess and priest of the Coven prefer based on their own experiences and knowledge.

So what do I need to learn and research to get started?

First off, read up and research the different traditions, the deities associated with them and mythology.

Then look at things such as divination, scrying of all sorts from. Tarot, Runes, Crystal  Pendulum, Crystal Ball and so on and get a feel for each and how to do it.

Look at Rituals both Sabbats and Esbats along with  Spell casting.

Start to learn about correspondences, these are items and tools that will help you, and include, colours, smells, herbs and everything in between.

Always make notes on how things you tried went and any outcomes, these can be kept in a Book Of Shadows.

Also start to get mentally prepared and go through Lesson 1 on here and go through again and again until you get it as this will help you prepare and undo some untruths and beliefs that will hold you back.

It can be confusing starting out, but go with what feels right for you, listen to your heart and instincts, intuition and stick with it, what you decide now may well change a bit in the future as you gain experience and knowledge and that is fine, its just an evolutionary path for all.

No, the christians came up in the concept of the devil as a means to control society, especially young children who where educated by fear to believe if they misbehaved they would be sent to hell, also the devil was used to falsely accuse mainly women, of Witchcraft. The christians version or the devil very closely resembles the Pagan God Pan.

Pan is a prominent figure in Greek mythology, known as the god of the wild, shepherds, flocks, nature, and rustic music. He is often depicted as a half-man, half-goat creature, with goat horns on his head, goat legs, and a human upper body. Pan's Roman counterpart is Faunus.

Origins. Pan's parentage varies depending on the sources, but he is commonly believed to be the son of Hermes, the messenger god, and a nymph named Dryope, or sometimes of Zeus and Callisto. He is said to have been born with goat-like features and was mocked by the other gods for his appearance, leading him to live in seclusion in the wilderness.

Patronage. Pan was the patron god of shepherds and their flocks, guiding them through the wilderness and protecting them from harm. He was also associated with fertility, and his presence was believed to bring blessings to the land and its people.

The Panic. The word "panic" is derived from Pan's name. It is said that when Pan roamed the forests and mountains, his sudden appearance would cause terror and panic among those who encountered him. This concept is reflected in the word's modern usage.

Love of Music. Pan was an avid musician, particularly skilled with the syrinx (also known as panpipes). According to legend, he created the instrument from the reeds that grew by the River Ladon in Arcadia.

Involvement in Mythology. Pan is associated with several myths and stories. One famous tale involves his pursuit of the nymph Syrinx, who fled from his advances and was transformed into a set of reeds. From these reeds, Pan created his panpipes. He was also known for his involvement in the myth of the Great God Pan, which symbolized the end of the ancient pagan world and the rise of Christianity.

Worship:.Pan was especially revered in Arcadia, a region in the central Peloponnese of Greece, where he was considered a central figure in religious practices and local traditions. His cult spread throughout ancient Greece, and he was also worshiped in other regions.

Pan's influence extended beyond Greece, and his imagery and symbolism had a lasting impact on Western art, literature, and culture. In Roman times, he was often associated with the satyrs, similar creatures of Roman mythology who shared his half-man, half-goat appearance and playful, mischievous nature.

No, not at all, both Paganism and Witchcraft both with all their diverse range of traditions today is growing rapidly as beliefs once again.  More and more people are turning to nature based religions as they feel more comfortable with them and give individuals a sense of empowerment and freedom. The internet and information available today allows people to research and make personal choices on what they believe in.   Discrimination is still prevalent today but pagans and witches also spiritualists are protected from discrimination by the anti discrimination acts. Many Pagans and withes know when they embark on this path that they will get certain comments of a discriminating nature but simply move on and ignore them, understanding the person(s) making such comments are very judgmental, self opinionated and not educated fully in all things.   An example here. A friend of mine was reported to his HR for wearing a pentagram neckless by a woman, HR had a duty to follow up the complaint where the woman had complained it had offended her. HR responded by stating she was discriminating against a work college which based on her contract or employment stated that bullying and discrimination will not be tolerated by any employee. Subsequently she was given a verbal warning to stop being discriminating..   In todays society we have moved into a paradigm where often people say they are offended by this that and the other, but they do not realise they are the ones causing offense to begin with. Equality and diversity although in essence is a good thing in such cases is showing it is out of control and some use it as an excuse to just make a personal point and cause an argument. A time of the rights of one, out way the rights of many, and as a result the many then suffer as a result.   Pagans and Witches practice nature based beliefs and have no intentional harm to anyone.    This site and its social media presence gets its fair share of discriminating comments, but for us its much easier to report and get them suspended or banned ,than argue back.   If you are concerned about someone you know following this path then before you judge them or what it is about please do some research into it with an open mind first before making judgements.  
Yes but please note. the following related to what some feel is the true name for a male Witch.

The term "warlock" has had various meanings and connotations throughout history, and its definition can vary depending on cultural and historical contexts. Generally, a warlock is often associated with magic or witchcraft, but its precise definition can differ.

Historical Definition: In historical contexts, a warlock was commonly used to describe a male practitioner of witchcraft or dark magic. During the witch trials and persecutions that took place in Europe and America from the 15th to 18th centuries, the term "warlock" was often used to denote a male witch, and they were often accused and persecuted alongside female witches.

Contemporary Neopagan and Wiccan Definition: In modern Neopagan and Wiccan traditions, the term "warlock" is not commonly used and can even be considered derogatory by some. Many practitioners prefer the term "Witch" regardless of gender, as they aim to be inclusive and do not differentiate based on gender identity.

Fantasy Literature and Pop Culture: In fantasy literature, movies, and video games, a warlock is often depicted as a male spellcaster or sorcerer with mystical powers. They are typically associated with dark or forbidden magic.

Given the varied and sometimes conflicting definitions, it's essential to consider the context in which the term is being used to understand its precise meaning. In contemporary usage, the term "warlock" is less common, and if someone refers to themselves as a warlock, it's essential to respect their chosen identification and beliefs.


Hedge Witch based in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. United Kingdom.

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