Herbs have been used in magic and spiritual practices for centuries due to their energetic and symbolic properties.
Category: General
Calling the Quarters
Calling the quarters is a common practice in various pagan and magical traditions, including Wicca.
Esbat Ritual
An Esbat is a Wiccan ritual that typically takes place during the phases of the moon, often cantered around the full moon.
Book Of Shadows & Grimoires
In a Book of Shadows, individuals may document their spiritual journey, insights, dreams, magical experiments, and interactions with deities or spirits.
Divination & Scrying
While some people believe in their effectiveness and use them as tools for guidance and self-discovery, others view them as purely symbolic or psychological practices. As with any belief system or practice, perspectives can vary widely.
Setting up a pagan altar can be a deeply personal and meaningful experience. Different pagan traditions and paths have their own unique practices and symbolism, so your altar’s setup will depend on your specific beliefs and preferences. Here are some general guidelines to help you get started. 1. Choose a Location. Select a quiet READ MORE
In various forms of witchcraft and neopaganism, certain tools are often used in rituals, spell work, and other practices. These tools are thought to help practitioners focus their energy, intention, and connection to the spiritual or magical realms. These tools can carry symbolic associations with masculine or feminine energies, but it’s important to note READ MORE
Do as You Will & the Threefold Law
The “Threefold Law” is a concept commonly associated with some modern forms of Wicca and other neopagan belief systems. It’s a moral principle that suggests that whatever energy or intention a person puts out into the world, whether through their actions, thoughts, or spells, will return to them threefold, or three times over. In READ MORE
Gender in Witchcraft
While witchcraft has often been associated with females due to historical stereotypes and cultural portrayals, there are indeed many males who practice witchcraft as well. They are often referred to as “witches,” just like their female counterparts.
Your Magical Name
Creating a magical name can be a creative and personal process.