The “Threefold Law” is a concept commonly associated with some modern forms of Wicca and other neopagan belief systems. It’s a moral principle that suggests that whatever energy or intention a person puts out into the world, whether through their actions, thoughts, or spells, will return to them threefold, or three times over. In READ MORE
Category: Dictionary
Intentions play a central role in magical practices.
Casting a circle
Casting a circle is a common magical practice used to create a sacred and protected space for rituals, spell work, and other magical endeavors
In the context of magical practices, “polarity” typically refers to the idea of balancing and harnessing opposite energies or forces
In witchcraft and various pagan traditions, correspondences refer to the associations between different elements, symbols, colors, herbs, crystals, planets, and other objects with specific qualities or energies.
Creating a sigil is a practice often associated with chaos magic and other occult traditions. A sigil is a unique symbol or design that represents a specific desire or intent. The process of creating a sigil involves condensing your desire into a graphical form and charging it with energy to manifest your intention in READ MORE
The concept of the five classical elements (earth, air, fire, water, and spirit) dates back to ancient civilization and has been a fundamental part of various cultural and philosophical systems. Each element represents different aspects of the physical and spiritual world and is often associated with specific qualities, energies, and symbolism. Here’s a brief READ MORE