This is a generic Esbat style ritual, although it will depend on your path or tradition variations can be added or removed at choice. This is just a general outline of the most common practices used.
Category: Dictionary
Solitary Witch
A solitary witch is an individual who practices witchcraft and magic on their own, rather than being part of a coven or group.
A coven typically refers to a group or gathering of witches, often practicing some form of witchcraft, Wicca, or other pagan or mystical traditions. The term is commonly associated with the practice of witchcraft and magic, and covens often come together for rituals, ceremonies, spellcasting, and other spiritual or magical activities. Covens can vary READ MORE
Ethics and discrimination in witchcraft
Ethics and discrimination in witchcraft are complex and multifaceted topics that involve cultural, historical, and social dimensions. Witchcraft has been practiced in various forms across different cultures and societies.
Familiars possess knowledge, abilities, and insights that can be shared with the practitioner, enhancing their magical abilities and providing guidance. They can also appear in reality and accompany a Witch in life.
Theban the Witches Alphabet
Theban alphabet or Theban script, which is an alphabetic writing system used in various modern Pagan and witchcraft practices. It’s also known as the Witch’s Alphabet or the Witches’ Runes. The Theban alphabet is not an ancient script; it was likely created in the 16th century or later, and its origins are somewhat unclear.
Summerland is often depicted as a realm of peace, beauty, and tranquillity. It’s considered a place of rest and reflection for souls after their physical bodies have passed away.
My personal view on this is that as we know consciousness is source energy and energy does not die it simply transforms. In the West we have a very dim and sombre view on death and this is down to the fact we have been bombarded with materialistic science
Kitchen Witch
A kitchen witch is a practitioner of witchcraft who focuses their magical and spiritual practices primarily within the context of the kitchen and cooking.
Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft-based spiritual and religious movement that emerged in the mid-20th century.