Lesson 1. Before we begin



Lesson 1

Where to begin!

Lets start with the things we are not nor do.

  • We do not cast evil spells.
  • Turn children into frogs.
  • Sacrifices.
  • All have long pointed noses with a big wart.
  • Cackle widely.
  • Actually fly on a broomstick.

What do we do and what are we.

  • We work to help anyone that asks for our help.
  • We constantly work to become enlightened.
  • We research and learn new stuff and things from the past that have been hidden from us.
  • We heal others and animals.
  • We work with nature and Gaia, Mother Earth.
  • We work with fundamental consciousness at source energy.
  • We advise where our advice is sought.
  • Seek truths.

For many out there Wizardry or Witchcraft brings about a dogma of aligning with the Devil, being evil and dangerous, selling our souls. But the simple truth is this is what the church wants you to believe. They have done a good job about it to but the so called devil they scare young children with does not exist, in fact the devil is depicted by them as an old Pagan God with horns and hooved feet. But for those poor lost souls who believe this they are very much disillusioned and have actually sold their own soles to an enslaved control system which persists today. They feel they can and have a right to discriminate against us.

But before you make a judgment I ask that before saying anything to ask yourself are you beliefs themselves based on facts or a system of education designed to simply discriminate and control the masses based on power and pure greed.

To begin with, and this is the hardest part, as we have to unlearn some of the stuff that has been conditioned in our minds, is opening up and understanding who and what we really are. To make this easier to grasp I will break this down into parts.

Think about a new-born child, they have some basic natural instincts to start getting on in life, for example to cry when they are cold, hungry, need attention and so on. But that is it apart from those very basic instincts for survival they are a blank slate. They are not born with a religion or belief. They are not born with political agendas; they are not born a racist and so on. These things are conditioned into them as they grow by their peers. A peer can be anybody in a position of responsibility or authority, such as parents, educators and so on. As they grow, they experience the world around them by events and the human brain uses these events to learn and remember things, such as don’t touch fire as it hurts, don’t jump off something high as that also hurts. But they also experience life through the eyes of others, so they are told not to touch a flame and if they go near it they are shouted at to stop. The outcome is similar to that of actually touching the flame as it hurts to be shouted at and although not physical the outcome is very similar. These events and experiences become conditioned programs in our minds that are used to help guide us through life, so as the example here shows when that growing child sees an open fire the program will kick in at subconscious level and the child will experience fear via an emotional response, so to that end does not stick their hand into the fire as the conditioned behaviour produces a thought based on a perceived memory and the thought leads to an immediate emotional response. Now, this is a very good way to survive longer and prevent injury and so on and without it nobody would survive long at all and our species would not have evolved. One of the main emotional responses is that of flight or fight. This flight or fight response is triggered by a behaviour but as it becomes a thought the emotional side kicks in and hormones such as adrenaline are released again to give us more speed and strength to react to the situation.

Early humans, just like animals, used this internal survival mechanism very well and the proof in it is that we are still here as a species today. But in more modern-day times, and in saying that I am saying modern day civilization really started when we moved out of the caves and started to form small groups, societies, others have cleverly manipulated these behaviours as a means for them to control others and societies in general. In older times we would have had elders who could enforce punishments, but also show the younger generations how to survive. As the smaller societies moved on the world started to understand and create religions and all religions would also use behavioural conditioning to ensure others in society followed. The same is true for rulers of nations, they would use mainly religion as a conditional behavioural tool to enforce their rule and power over many. Not following these behavioural conditions would lead to fear and persecution.

Think about this for one moment, most children are taught that evolution is based on Darwin’s theory of evolution, yet this theory when looked at from a scientific perspective is full of holes, more holes than a string vest. If for example we look at the monkey to man theory it states we evolved from primates i.e monkeys who became cleverer very quickly and became Neanderthal and from that the first humans came about, much like us today, but his small part of evolution should have taken millions of years based on comparison of other species, yet it didn’t. There is very little evidence in terms of Neanderthal in terms of excavations, there are some but nowhere near what should be found for the amount of time they would have been around in an evolutionary scale. An alternative has been proposed and yes this will be controversial to many and I will get back to that controversy in a minute. But the controversial alternative is here that when just primates existed and no humans, aliens visited the planet and with superior technology something we only just beginning to understand today, they manipulated our DNA and spliced some of their own and this manipulation gave birth to the first humans in a very short space of time. The aliens needed a work force and the creation of humans, slaves who just do what their told was a perfect solution.

Now why is this controversial, in a nutshell you have been conditioned and educated to believe in Darwin’s theory and if challenged you are conditioned to respond with “that can’t be right and is nothing more than speculation and controversial” but that through education is how you have been behaviourally conditioned to react. The fact that aliens manipulated DNA is actually a far more reasonable explanation if you think about it, but in order to think about it you have to change your initial behaviours to accept this may have happened. In doing so you are not dismissing Darwin’s theory but instead opening it up to other solutions.

The point here is simple, regardless of which evolutionary system makes better sense the point is if you choose one over the other is to understand where your choice came from to begin with and understand truly that whatever choice you make is that a conditioned program leading to your choice which as been programmed by someone or education.

Back to our evolution, if aliens did create us through DNA manipulation, they would need to control us, if they did not then our elders in order control of tribes would have done the same. Using a belief system that cannot be questioned but instead can be symbolized by using deities and gods, goddesses to enforce rule and fear into those tribes.

It can be used as a means to say that someone or a society has not followed a God or Goddesses will and that all or a person must be punished as a result. We must remember here that societies where in a very primitive stage at this point. Such control mechanisms would be spread and shared by stories between tribes and over time the symbolism would be lost and instead become literal in meaning.

But regardless those more imaginative and acute realised that they could gain power and control using such a system. This evolved and saw the uprising of new religions, based on the older ones. In some cases, these new religions became more fairer as societies grew, no more sacrifices to the gods or goddesses but at the same time became more intolerant to other beliefs, and the bloodshed remained especially between religions. The new Christians for example wanted Paganism to be wiped out and shed more blood doing that than anything else, but not just against Pagans but all other religions. In the name of God was used to justify the bloodshed and they used an excuse of we don’t carry out sacrifices as part of our religion yet shed more blood than the sacrifices themselves shed along with torture.

In today’s modern times the same foundations of control exist more than ever, it is clear to see that religion is losing its power, as people learn from the global information available to them via the internet. But religion does change its face to keep all enslaved and manipulated by the few who benefit directly.

For a long time, religion suppressed science but that slowly turned but science itself became the different side of the same coin with materialists and so on. Thankfully modern-day science is now opening up and evidently showing that materialism is s udo science and not based on facts.

But law and politics also follow the same fundamental principles. They use scare tactics and problem solution tactics where a false flag is used to cause a problem which only they can resolve and thus get the populations to trust them in that they do provide a solution.

Corporations suppress information to make sure their products are purchased and used, regardless of a products outcome, especially in the pharmaceutical side but they link to food and fuel all with one aim to gain power and control of which they manipulate the law to ensure they profit. The banking systems today are used to create fear and slavery to debt.

Our ancestors would worry about basics such as warmth, food, survival but today we do not necessarily have to concern ourselves with these things but instead worry and concern ourselves paying bills, taxes, insurances and so on. Even how we feel we look and act to friends including social media, how ell are we accepted into groups.

All of this comes from being programmed conditionally from an early age and throughout life and programmed in such a way that those in power and control remain wealthy and powerful.

So the main point to get across here is everything you feel you have no control over, anything that makes you unhappy, frustrated, angry sad and so on is coming from conditioned programs that have been implanted into you at some point. Your first step is to regain control over these programs and realising what they really are doing behind the scenes. As you master this then you will regain control of what and who you are.

Yes, if you speak out publicly about such things you will hit resistance, but you have to tell yourself its not others fault when they do judge you its just that they have not yet stepped into a more illuminated way of thing and old programs are suppressing them leading to their own constant problems and mental health issues. In fact, don’t say anything, simply keep this understanding to yourself, until someone asks what your secret to a productive and happier life.

To accept this better we must understand that although we all share a common reality, we all have our own perception of reality. We assume consciousness is one reality and all experience the same, yet we individually share the same base reality though feedback, but each person’s reality is unique. We see reality through our own personal reality and often through shit filtered lens, which is based on our beliefs and those of others. This is what makes it seem so real yet it is just a lens of beliefs that we perceive our own reality. Once you understand this and master this then you are accessing the real you and all the power that comes with that, and responsibility.


Hedge Witch based in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. United Kingdom.

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