Protection Spell

Witchcraft protection spells

can include using herbs, crystals, and other objects to ward off negative energy and harmful spirits.

Of course to protect yourself should be done frequently, at least once a day. To start with think of a place you have been where you felt happy, safe, secure and notice the feeling and the energy of that memory. Its the energetic frequency you want to remember here and with a bit of practice be able to feel that energetic vibration at will. Next draw in golden sparkling light through your crown chakra (top f your head) and then slowly fill up your body with this light as if you are hollow from your toes, feet upwards. Completely fill yourself up with this light which is vibrating at the frequency of your memory you started out with. Allow this energy to overflow back out of your Crown Chakra and slowly create a bubble of light around you. You can expand this out several feet.

Casting as circle of Protection.

If you are casting a circle then do as above but also visualise the energy coming out of your right hand and back into your left hand, As your draw energy in with the inward breath visualise the flow of energy going in through your Crown Chakra then out the bottom of your feet to the centre of the Earth, as you breath out the energy then comes from the centre of the Earth back through your feet up your legs and torso then out the right hand and back into the left hand (palms) and also through your Crown. If holding an Athame or Wand then visualise this energy coming out of your hand through the Wand or Athame and direct it to the boundary of the circle you wish to cast. Going clockwise or Deosil, make a circle around you ending up back in the position you started from. Then hold the Athame above you and do the same to cast a circle around you from above below you and back to the start again. Remember you are creating an orb or a sphere around you. Once done fill with light by expanding your energy outwards with the out breath.  

Once done you must take down the cast circle by doing the same a s above but opposite in a widdershins motion anti clock wise.  Both for above and below and on the horizontal plane. Then once the energy gathered in place your hands on the floor to release the energy back to the universe.

Some more examples of protection spells include:

Rue water: Can break spells and protect against magical attacks
Waning moon banishing: Can send people out of your life
Spiky aura: Can ward off people who mean you harm
Traveling charm bag: Can protect you when you’re away from home
Blessed acorn: A powerful protective charm
Mirror box: Can trap a magical attacker with their own spells
How to perform protection spells:
Cleanse your space by burning a cleansing stick or ringing an altar bell
Recite an incantation, such as “Any malicious energies, spirits & intentions must leave now”
Hold a crystal in your hands and ask for its assistance
Hold herbs in your hands and ask for their assistance
Take a bath with herbs like rosemary, mint, and lemons to cleanse your aura and clear your mind

Invoking a pentagram

is a ritual that involves using a pentagram to call upon pure forms of the elements. It’s often part of a dynamic ceremony that includes visualization, gestures, and the use of certain words.
How is it performed?
Prepare a space for magical or meditative work
Invoke pure forms of the elements
Evocate archangels to guard the circle
What does it mean?
The pentagram is a symbol that originated in Babylonian times and is used to protect against evil forces. It’s also used in modern occultism

Using the image below start with your head and follow down to right thigh, then up to left shoulder across to right shoulder then down to left thigh and finish by return to your head. The opposite is done for banishing.

Most Witches will bless and consecrate a Pentagram or Pentacle by cleansing with white sage and then infusing it with protective energy, they then wear this all the time for protection.  The differences between a Pentagram and Pentacle are:


Hedge Witch based in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. United Kingdom.

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