This site is dedicated to improving yourself spiritually, and unlike the main Althea Hands site this site focuses on the ways of the occult.
This site is about the factual fundamentals of wizardry and witchcraft of which both at base level are the same. Forget about what is portrayed by the film makers such as Hogwarts, Lord or the Rings and many others they are merely fantasy and designed for entertainment and to spark the imagination. You will see and undoubtably read many books on the subject, but all come from a persons own perspective and perceived reality. Reading such books is not wrong nor bad but very often they miss the fundamentals of it all.
Today the world is changing and with information being readily available and easily available via the internet, we can now see through science (evidential science) that the things understood by our ancestors is actually fact and is needed to understand the nature of everything. The materialist era is over and physicists are today making the connections with a lot of stuff from our pasts and understanding these connections are needed. Relegated to metaphysics we now see the connections and they are not mystical at all but factual. Opening the doors to the nature of reality and consciousness and more understanding. A lot of which is being rediscovered as it was suppressed by mainstream religions and materialistic science (a dogma of both) as means to keep information and powerful knowledge away from the masses, which if known would have led to the religions losing their power and control over the people. Governments, mainstream religions and the corporations, such as pharmaceuticals, banking, energy, food, supported by the global media do not want the truth to be known as it will cause them loss and control and profits.
On this site we look at the facts and what is needed to empower yourself and manifest the changes in your own life. This change comes from within and only from within you and we all posses this power.
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